✴️why I love my cats ✴️

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Okay so I'm just chilling ON MY FLOOR right and then I see my oldest cat viciously begin to attack something from under my closet door and she pulls out a RAT(it was more of a mouse but whatever)😭 no I hate rats with the passion. always I get it out of there and now she's playing with rat and is slowly killing it. Even though they're annoying I would 100% recommended getting a cat 😤. But to be honest if she didn't kill this rat I was just going to put her back on the street 😶( I really just picked up Miss girl from some parking lot because it was raining and I love cats so I said okay we're going to get you and then I literally stuck her home without my mother knowing 😐. I had her wrapped up in my hoodie. But literally every cat I've had is overly lovable and I would say it's just because they're stray and they weren't used to having affection but my newest cat, killua is also very affectionate and needy and she's not a stray)


She's now very intensely looking at my closet door 😐

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