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Kol, Rebekah, and I are waiting outside the car for our newborn niece

the one we didn't know about until about two hours ago

Nik finally pulls out

he gets up with a baby

"Hello, sister, brothers" he rasps

I know this must be killing him

a smirk makes it's way on my face "at least she doesn't look like you"

"Thank god for small miracles" Kol snickers

Nik laughs at us "She has a hint of devil in her eyes. That's all me" then silence "I need a witch you can cast a cloaking spell"

"We'll get one" Rebekah promises

"Don't forget I ran from you for seven hundred years" I remind "You're witches never found me"

my elder brother smiles at me "I called you Skule because I know that you'll protect Hope" then he holds up the baby "This city would have seen you dead. But, I will have it your home. And every soul who wishes you harm will be struck down, just as sure as my blood runs through your veins"

wow Nik, I don't think you're suppose to say those things to a baby

shut up, Skule

remember the lullaby you use to sing to Ace

"You will return to me" Nik states then hands the baby to Rebekah and that stupid little wooden knight to Kol

"go on" I tell the two "Nik and I need to speak"

with hesitance they both go back to the car

"You don't have anything to worry about" I tell him "I'll protect her with my life"

Nik smiles sadly at me "When you lost Ace I didn't understand why you would never speak of him. I mocked you for it endlessly; I understand now"

we hug

"I'll make sure she's happy and well cared for" I whisper in his ear "On that I give you my word" then I back off "Does the little princess have a name?"

"Hope. He name is Hope" then he starts crying

with a gulp I turn around and get in the car

"Where we going?" is Kol's first question as we drive off

"Back to Jamaica right?" Rebekah questions

"No" I say "Hope will at least stay in the same country as Nik....we are going to Maine"


Dear Hope,
As you know I've decided to devote my journal entries to you when you're older. You have now been with us for eight months. That's right you are eight months old now. I didn't get a chance to wright last night because you insisted on gripping my shirt and every time I would try putting you in your crib you would cry. I think Rebekah and Kol are jealous that you obviously have a favorite. I also think that they forget that I have taken care of children before...my own. I won't bore you with relentless prattle about your late cousin because if you have been reading these you know all about him. Anyway, the good thing about yesterday was that you said your first word, can you guess what it was? You said uncle in that cute baby way, it sounded like Unkey, but you were pointing at me. Your father is going to be so jealous when I tell him that your first word was Uncle and not dada. I'll probably get dagg-" I hear Hope crying so I speed to her room

when I enter the little princess stops crying

"Hey there, princess" I mutter "what's wrong?"

she lifts her hands up "Unkey"

with a smirk I pick my little niece up "just miss me? I don't blame you; I'm amazing"

a giggle escapes Hope's mouth as she points at herself

"Yes, you're amazing as well. You obviously get that from your aunt, Sofia, and I" then I kiss her cheek "well, let's go back outside. I was just writing to you sweetheart"

outside she starts gurgling at the stars

"You want me to tell you more about the constellations?" I ask

"Unkey" is all she says

looking up I spot Andromeda "That is Andromeda or the Royal Sea Monster Bait. She was Cepheus and Cassiopeia's daughter. I told you about them. To appease the gods her parents chained her up and fed her to the sea monster Cetus. She was rescued by Perseus."

Hope blinks her little eyes at me

"I know, what kind of parents would do such a thing?" I say sending giggles through her

"There's Scorpius or the Scorpion. This Scorpion is said to have killed Orion, the hunter. It's legend that Orion is always running from scorpion which is why they are never spotted in the sky together" I whisper "I made that up and now people believe it"

she giggles once again

"There's one I named" I tell "Taurus or the Bull. This is a very ancient constellation that dates back to the second century. That's way before I was born. In Greek mythology Zeus seduced and abducted Europa, the daughter of Phoenician kind Agenor, with this bull" the I look over "There's another ancient one-Ursa Major or Big Bear. Zeus fell in love with Callisto, who is not his wife. Anyway, his wife, Hera, turned the poor fairy into a bear named Ursa Major. Your aunt Sofia would do that if I ever fell in love with someone else" when I look over she's back asleep in the my arms

there's a caw

a black crow is staring at me

oh shit

crows just don't stare

with a click of my phone I call Klaus

"Brother?" Is his first word

"Hey, Nik, there's a crow watching me. We both know crows just don't watch people, and now I think it's time you spill about what's been going on in the French Quarter"

"Mother's alive again and so is Finn" Nik sighs

"We need to meet" I mutter "She must have found us"

"I'll-" he starts

"No" I utter "there is three of us and only two of them. If you must send someone send Elijah"


"The house in Arkansas" I say "Ya, I know I wasn't around when you acquired it but I know about it. Have him meet us at the dinner about three miles away; you know the one"

"Got it"

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