6. Pollen

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Steve didn't know it would cause him to act like this... all whiney and desperate for attention. And it wasn't his fault either! It was those stupid plants and the dumb pollen.
See, Dustin had begged him to examine some flower he found left behind from the Upside Down. The pair were poking it and trying to learn more, when it sprayed Steve in the face with something purple, then shriveled up and died...

They didn't think much of it at the time, and Steve went home. But a few hours later, after he ate dinner, his body was getting hot. He had the urge to curl up and cuddle the next person he saw. Odd for something that came from the Upside Down of all places...

He didn't know who to call. Dustin? No, he'd just call everyone else and then they'd see him like this... all... clingy... Steve only had one option. Billy.
The two weren't as close with each other as he would have liked them to be. Steve sort of had a crush on Billy... but couldn't tell him that. They were just friends. And that was it.
But he needed Billy, so he rang their home phone.

"Hargrove residence..." Billy had answered dully.
"Hey Billy... I... it's Steve... can you come over?" Steve asked.
"Harrington-? Jesus man, why are you calling me? I told you not to call here." The blonde snapped, and it made Steve's lip quiver.
"Billy please... I... I miss you..." Steve had practically whined.

A groan could be heard from the other side of the phone. There was a pause. "Fine. I'll be over in ten. We're watching Ghostbusters," Billy snapped and then hung up.
Steve was rather quick in setting everything up. The couch was covered in softy blankets and pillows, Ghostbusters all ready to play as soon as the blonde teen got there.

And just as promised, ten minutes later, Billy walked in.
"Okay Harrington why did-" he cut himself off when he saw the brunette jump out of his comfy spot and run over, just to hug Billy. That was the moment Billy knew something was off. "Okay.... you feeling alright Harrington?"
"Much better now that you're here..." Steve purred and then pulled him to the couch.

Both boys sat down and Steve started the movie, but he could barely focus. He just wanted to curl up to Billy. Maybe just sit in his lap and snuggle close...
"Hey pretty boy... you sure you're okay?" Billy asked when he noticed Steve just staring at him. The older teen let out a whimper before moving close to Billy. He grabbed onto his hand and started playing with the blond's fingers.

"Mhhh... missed you..." he smiled and leaned onto Billy's shoulder. And that... was new. Steve didn't get like this. Never leaned on him when they watched a movie. It was different but... he liked it.

"Stevie... tell me what's going on," Billy said, voice firm and commanding. It made Steve spill everything. He told Billy about how he and Dustin found the plant. And how it sprayed him. And how he just wanted to cuddle up to Billy and never let go.

"Why didn't you just tell me that's what happened?" Billy asked as he put an arm around Steve, who just shrugged as an answer.
"Okay, well you can get as comfortable as you need. I'm gonna watch the movie."

And Steve did just that. He started off slow, head on Billy's shoulder and arms wrapped around Billy's left arm. Then he put a leg over Billy's lap. And suddenly, the older teen had his arms and legs wrapped around Billy, head nestled in his shoulder.

Billy let him do whatever he wanted. He even placed his hand into Steve's back, rubbing small circles into his shirt. When he moved his hand to rub his eyes, Steve made a tired but annoyed sound, clearly wanting him to continue.

"Fine, you big baby." Billy had grinned. He rubbed circles on Steve's back with one hand, and stroked his hair with the other. It knocked Steve out almost instantly. Soft snores escaped his lips as he clung to Billy.

Hey y'all! Been a while. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll write more to this once I get more ideas! Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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