5. Werewolf

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Billy never really kept track of the moon's phases. Could barely remember what they were called either... full moon he knew but, everything else he didn't care much for.
Well... until he started dating Steve Harrington. The guy was almost obsessed with the moon.
"Billy look at the moon!" Steve had said one night as they sat at the quarry, "isn't it beautiful..?"
Billy had agreed with him. It was rather beautiful... but he didn't want to be there all night, unlike Steve, who could spend hours just getting lost in the moon, almost hypnotized by it...

That was really the first time Billy had seen Steve practically drooling over the moon. He knew that his boyfriend loved it, so he suggested a full moon date at the quarry. Have a nice late dinner, sit and talk... admire the moon and each other.... but Steve had declined which was... odd.

Billy had asked him to do little romantic things that that for a while. And he always said yes, except for this time. There was no reason to why he couldn't go either... it was just a no.. and then he hung up.
Billy really wanted to get to the bottom of this... did Steve have something better to do? Nothing was better than Billy Hargrove!
So he drove over to Steve's place on the night of the full moon.

When Billy arrived at the large Harrington household, almost every light was off. That was weird too. Steve usually had every light on in the house.. especially after the whole Starcourt incident... The only light that was on was Steve's bedroom light.
'Steve must be in there.' Billy thought, knocking on the door. He waited a bit, but Steve did not come to answer. He tried and waited a few more times before getting frustrated.

He decided he needed to climb into the bedroom if he was ever going to figure this out... Billy went under Steve's bedroom window and started to climb up the side of the house, using anything nearby to help.
When he reached the top, Billy grabbed onto the window ledge and looked inside. What he saw shocked him, to say the least.

There, in Steve's bedroom, was a gigantic wolf. Bigger than any wolf he had ever seen. It definitely was not normal.
"Holy shit.." Billy muttered, apparently loud enough for the wolf to hear, because the creature's head whipped around and was now staring Billy down, intense brown eyes looking deep into his own ocean blue ones...

Billy continued to skim over the room as he carefully opened the window and stepped inside, making sure to shut the window quietly after him.
"Hey there big fella..." Billy said calmly as he looked for any traces of where Steve could be.
He noticed torn up clothes on the floor but... no blood anywhere. So the beast couldn't have eaten Steve.
His boyfriend was gone without a trace, except for the torn up clothes... maybe, just maybe...

"Stevie, that you baby?" Billy asked as he looked up at the large creature.
Billy thought that maybe this could be his Steve... but.. the wolf hadn't taken it's eyes off of Billy. It seemed like it was processing something, or maybe... trying to remember...

And then Billy was tossed backwards, a large amount of pressure keeping him down. The Californian boy looked up to see that the wolf had pinned him down. It's tail was wagging... so that was a sign he wasn't going to be eaten...

"Steve. It's me, Billy. You remember me? Your boyfriend?" Billy asked. He got a small growl and a sloppy wet tongue to the face as a reply.
"Ahh-! Okay okay-! Steve get off!" Billy laughed and tried to shove his large mutt of a boyfriend off.
The wolf-Steve- slowly got off of Billy, his tail still wagging happily.
"Aww is someone happy to see me?"
A small bark.
"Did Stevie boy miss me?"
Another bark, louder.
"Is Stevie my good boy?"
A loud bark filled the house, and Billy laughed.


Steve was clearly very happy to see Billy. Maybe he had just been lonely and wanted some company... but he would not leave Billy's side.
When Billy told him he needed to use the restroom, Steve was right there, waiting at the door for him.
When they went to get a snack from the kitchen and Steve heard a noise outside, he was right at Billy's hip, growling loudly, fur standing on end.
When they went back to Steve's room to get some sleep, Steve would curl up between his legs and lay his large head on Billy's stomach, watching him start to drift off, nuzzling the other male's chin a few times with his wet nose.

"Stevie... I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here when you wake up. Promise."
Billy's words seemed to work and Steve was soon asleep, cuddled up in his lap.

When morning came, Billy was the first awake. He looked down to see Steve was back to his human self, though... he wasn't wearing any clothes.
When Steve woke up, he was extremely nervous when Billy told him what had happened the previous night...
But Billy told him that it was okay. That he still loved him, even if he was a werewolf.

After that, Billy kept making fun of Steve's constant obsession with the moon. He would always call him puppy too. Would scratch his head and call him a good boy.
Billy loved the reactions he would get from his  werewolf boyfriend.

Hey guys! So this is a little Halloween special I did. I was thinking of making this a full story but I'm not sure. Let me know if you would want to read it!

Update: First chapter of that story is now up! Let me know what you think!

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