Starting a groupchat

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6:34 pm

Kel made the groupchat "buddy chatroom"
Kel added 4 people to "buddy chatroom"

Aubrey: what

Kel: hey "aubs"

Aubrey: ...

Kel: shit imma die arent I

Sunny: yep

Kel: :0

Kel: your here!

Sunny: ...ok

Basil: hi!

Kel: hey basil!

Kel: aubreys about to kill me

Basil: um... ok

Kel: youre supposed to help me >:0

Sunny: *Aubrey's *you're


Hero: dunno what I just witnessed but ok-

Kel: hey brother aubrey is about to kill me help-

Hero: I'm at college wtf you want me to do

Kel: ...

Hero: exactly

Kel: sunny?

Sunny: yea?

Kel: help me?

Sunny: ...

Sunny: did you forget I moved away...?

Kel: ah shit I forgot-

Aubrey: hey kel where r u?

Kel: im at the park why?

Sunny: Read who sent that

Kel: ...

Kel: well shit im screwed-

Basil: at this moment he knew- he fucked up

Aubrey: pffft-

Hero: ...

Basil: im not wrong

Aubrey: found him

Kel: shit-

Kel is offline
Aubrey is offline

Hero: ...

Sunny: guess he's dead

Basil: yep

Basil: so what now?

Sunny: my mom called me for dinner

Basil: oh

Basil: bye Sunny!

Hero: bye Sunny

Sunny: bye

Sunny is offline

Basil: probably should go make sure Kel is ok-

Hero: ok

Hero: see you later then Basil!

Basil: bye Hero!

Basil is offline
Hero is offline

7:27 pm
Kel: hey sunyn!

Sunny: *Sunny

Kel: oops sry

Sunny: it's fine

Sunny: tulip.jpeg

Kel: wow sunny!

Kel: thry llok rlyb goid!

Sunny: what?

Kel: they look rrly goosd

Sunny: thx

Sunny: I gotta go to bed

Kel: k gn sunnty!

Sunny is offline
Kel is offline

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