Chapter 22

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The rest of the day passed by quickly, although Eda felt like there was something off about Serkan. He was acting weird, nervous like he was hiding something, but when she asked, he assured her nothing was wrong, so she didn't push. Maybe he'd tell her when he was ready.

Selin had broken the news about the pregnancy to Ferit and the others and had decided to throw a party to celebrate it. Serkan and Eda were the only people left at the company, working on some final touches on Seymen's Bey blueprints.

"Serkan, I'm leaving now. I'm done for today, are you coming?"- Eda asked as she gathered her things and got ready to leave.

"No, you go. I need to finish this, but I'll see you at the party. Tamam mi?"- Serkan asked as Eda slightly nodded and gave him a kiss on his cheek before leaving.

Shortly after Eda had left, Ceren entered the office with some files in her hands.

"I got another package, look at this Ceren. It's like he's everywhere but nowhere at the same time. How is he managing to take all these pictures of Eda without Mehmet noticing? Also, another threat came."- Serkan sighed in frustration as he showed the pictures to Ceren. "Just like I orchestrated your accident, think what I can do to her. Tick-tock"

"Serkan, this picture is just outside the company. I think we can see who it is from the security cameras. Come on let's go."

After almost an hour of looking through the cameras, they finally found it, the moment Eda's picture was captured.

"Here, stop it. Do you recognize this person?"- Ceren asked pointing at the view shown in the camera.

"No, he's clearly covered up. He probably knew we'd check the cameras. But why send death threats? I don't understand"- Serkan said taking a closer look at the man to see if he knew him.

"Serkan this doesn't look like a joke. This man looks clearly obsessed with both of you. Any idea who it might be?"- Ceren asked.

"I don't know Ceren, I have a lot of enemies. But whoever is sending the threats, clearly knows Eda too"-Serkan said as he then was interrupted by Ceren's idea.

"So we give him what he wants Serkan"- Ceren couldn't even finish her sentence.

"What? Not a chance in hell!"- Serkan exclaimed.

"Just hear me out"- Ceren said explaining her idea to him. "I think it'll work".

"That's more reasonable. But there's one way this is going to work"- Serkan explained all the details to Ceren as they then left the company to head to the party.

Eda was already there. She looked so pretty, he barely held himself back from devouring her lips right there, at that moment. But he knew she was going to make his job so hard and it would hurt the both of them. Well, guess that would determine if their relationship was that strong to overcome it.

"You made it"- Eda said as she gave him a peck on the cheek making Serkan smile lightly, but then remembering he had to stick to the plan.

Everyone was gathered to congratulate Selin on her pregnancy. Ferit was over the moon. It was easy for them, no enemies, no one trying to get in between them, no death threats, not some psycho photographing their every move. Serkan wished he could be like them.

Eda noticed Serkan was being colder than usual, there was something bothering him but she didn't have a chance to ask him about it as everyone was gathered at the table.

Eda raised her eyebrows at Ceren in confusion as Ceren's gaze turned to Serkan, nodding her head like she was giving him permission to do something.

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