Kara woke with a startle, pulling a deep and needed breath of air. She took in her surroundings, the dream leaving her weary. She was in the Hogwarts infirmary, laid up in one of the metal beds, and the sight before her almost moved her to tears.

Lena had her down across Kara's lap, a chair pulled up at her bedside. Alex layer sprawled across some chairs in front of Kara's bed. James and Winn were sitting next to each other, both falling asleep on one another's shoulders. Winn seemed to be drooling slightly.

Even Lex laid Dracula style on the floor. Kara laughed internally thinking he'd probably say it promoted blood flow or something silly like that.

Kara attempted to sit up, but it caused a pain to course throughout her entire body and she winced audibly. What had happened to her? She tried to remember and that's when it hit her. She had fallen off her broom during a quidditch match from a very very high place. The events came rushing back to her, the helpless feeling as she was falling, reaching out towards Lena, and then the crashing feeling of her body on the sand below her.

Kara shook her head, how was she alive? Or at the very least not in critical condition?

Her movements caused Lena to wake up and she looked at Kara in a dreamy way still shaking the sleep off of her before she realized Kara was truly awake.

"BABY," Lena said as she shot up and grabbed Kara's hands shakily, and called out to the others that she was awake. Everyone woke up and rushed over to Kara tripping over one another to see her. Lena grabbed Kara's face gently, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I thought I'd lost you. Don't ever scare me like that again."

Kara smiled wearily, "Noted. I'll try not to fall off any more brooms."

Lena shook her head with a sad smile and kissed her gently but passionately there in front of everyone.
Alex shoved Lena off and bear hugged Kara which made her yelp out in pain.

"Owwww Alex not so tight."

Her sister smiled with tears in her eyes and punched Kara in her shoulder playfully.

"I don't care if you're in pain you scared the Beezlebubs out of us!"

Kara couldn't help but smile weakly, "I'm sorry everyone..... what even happened?"

They all looked at one another and James took the lead.

"Actually we were hoping you could tell us. One moment you were chasing after the snitch and then a freak storm came out of nowhere. Before anyone knew it you disappeared into the clouds and not long after you were falling. And ... it was all happening to fast we.... I.... I'm sorry Kara we couldn't save you."

James began tearing up and Alex had to run his shoulder slightly to get him to calm down.

Kara's mind raced with the memory of what had happened.

"Yes all I remember is going after the snitch. It was the highest I'd ever seen it go. When I grabbed it my broom began to feel like it was burning, I couldn't lay my hands on it. It started to jerk wildly and then... I was just falling."

The room was silent and Kara looked up to see such concerned and hurt faced. Lex seemed frazzled by something. He was biting his nails which Lex rarely ever did. Kara thought it was odd. Lena leaned forward and grabbed her face gently.

"What matters is that you're here. I couldn't bear the thought of losing you."

On Kara's face a few tears dropped. The thought of losing Lena frightened her more than anything else ever had. Soon they were all in a hug and Kara was just happy to make it out of that situation alive. Madam Pomfrey said that sadly in a normal situation Kara should've been dead. Luckily she said Kara seemed to have an incredible and fast healing they had never seen in anyone else besides her cousin when he attended Hogwarts.

Kara spent a few more days in the infirmary, Lena never leaving even when she should've been attending classes. Kara bedside was covered by gifts from those from the school wishing her well. Lena and Kara would spend the nights rummaging through the gifts trying all the weird and wacky candies they sent her.

Days later she was finally released back to classes where people clapped her on the back through the hallways, hugging her and telling her how amazing she was and that they were glad she was okay. Lena and Kara resumed their routine except now Lena doted on Kara slightly more which Kara wasn't mad about. She would happily be Lena's baby.

One day as Kara was walking through the halls on her way to pick up Lena from one of her classes, she couldn't help but notice loud and angry whispering coming from down a hall. Kara couldn't help but walk towards the voices as they only got more angry and the whispering became more harsh. She hid slightly behind a corner and realized that she recognized the two voices.

Peaking over the corner she saw Lex and Reina in a standoff, faces inches from one another. There was a fire in Reina's eyes that should've scared anyone but Lex stared her back down with his own cold gaze.

Kara could barely make out what they were saying.

"You wanted this....."

"....I...... the broom.....told you"

Reina made a move to bring out her wand but Lex was faster but before it could go any farther Kara jumped in front of Reina and pointed her wand strongly at Lex.

"Stop Lex. I thought you'd changed."

Lex looked torn, "Kara please. You don't understand. Move out of the way."

Kara didn't take her eyes off of Lex, "Reina go. I'll handle this."

She heard Reina walk off and Lex lowered his wand immediately frustrated. He pushed his hair back and paced a little, Kara didn't lower her wand.

"What's going on here Lex?"

Lex was lost in his mind pacing back and forth.

"You don't understand Kara I was handling it."

"Well then help me understand Lex because from here it sounds like you have something to do with me falling off of my broom."

"No! Kara I meant it when we put aside our differences. I didn't have anything to do with you falling off of your broom."

Kara didn't back down, "Then what was that about Lex? You'd better talk fast."

"Ughhh fine! Kara the truth is back when school had first started when I noticed Lena falling for you I .... I hexed Reina. To be in love with you and get in between the two of you."

A blast shot from Kara's wand and sent Lex flying back. She walked over to him slowly as he moaned and attempted to sit up.

Kara looked down at him with hurt and betrayal.

"What were you thinking Lex. How could you do this to your own sister?"

"Kara I'm sorry I really am. I was worried about Lena throwing her life away for the thought of love so I did something I really really shouldn't have. And I'm sorry.... but what you need to know is that I took the hex off of Reina weeks ago. Whatever she's been doing since then has been completely her."

"What, what do you mean? What are you trying to say?"

Lex got up off the floor and looked seriously and almost sadly at Kara.

"What I'm trying to say Kara is Reina is the one who hexed you're broom and tried to kill you."

Kara felt like someone slapped her in her face. She finally lowered her wand and took a step back.

"Wha... what. Why, why would she try to kill me? How can I trust you?"

Lex looked at Kara pleadingly, "You're going to have to trust me Kara. Please.. we have to stop her before anyone else gets hurt."

As Kara decided if she could trust Lex or not, off away in the castle Lena waited for Kara outside of her class. She looked at her watch and thought it was odd Kara hadn't shown up yet. She usually was always on time. From behind her a voice said,

"Looks like you're hero isn't coming to save you this time princess." And before Lena knew it her eyes were closing and she was falling towards the ground unable to reach her wand. The last thing she saw was bright red hair before nothing at all.

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