Part 3

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"SUCTION" I yell "DONT YOU DARE DIE" I try to get the bleeders under control.
"oh c'mon you son of a... you have a family you have a life. STAY AWAY FROM THE LIGHT" I yell
"Should we page Shepard?" A nurse ask
"Yes please" I answer
"Right away" the nurse say
"Suction, more suction" I say
"Dr L/N what happened?" Derek ask
"I can't get the damn bleeders under control" I say
"What did you do?" Derek ask
"NOTHING DEREK NOTHING OK I DIDNT DO ANYTHING" I yell at him "sorry I shouldn't yell"
"It's ok" Derek say
"No it's not" I say
"Find the bleeders" Derek say
"I can't that's the problem, I paged you here to help not to tell me to do things I already tried" I say
"Go in there with your fingers" Derek say
"What no, that will cause infection" I say
"You remember what we learned in med school? About the guy who saved a man by sticking his fingers into the mans brain. Your fingers will automatically find..." Derek explains
"Their way to the bleeder, yes. He then was able to stop the bleeding" I say and do it
"Perfect, gotta go now" Derek say and leave. I stop the bleeders, and keep on going with the surgery.
"L/N your intern woods is paging you" a nurse say
"If somebody could go and check on her, I need to finish" I ask
"I can do it" another nurse say
"Thank you, bring her here when you find her" I say
"Will do" the nurse say and leave.
"Can somebody page Wei Cheng in here?" I ask
"Yes right away" a nurse say
"Thank you" I say.
"Dr L/N, I've done your paperwork" Mia say
"Thank you, go see if you can help a patient" I say
"Thank you" Mia say and leave. Wei comes in.
"You paged?" Wei ask
"You wanna close him up?" I ask
"But I'm only an intern" Wei say
"Exactly you need to learn" I say
"Thank you" Wei say
"No worries, now close him up" I say. And Wei close him up, with a perfectly stitch.
"Great job Dr Cheng" I say
"Thank you" Wei say
"Take him to his room and keep an eye on him" I say
"Ofc" Wei say and leave.
"We're done thank you guys" I say and leave. No deaths today, I think we're doing pretty good.
"Y/N how did it go?" Derek ask
"Perfect he's in good shape, well just pray that he won't get an infection" I say
"Great" Derek say
"Yep now I'm going to see if there's someone left to stitch up" I say
"See you around" Derek say
"Bye" I say and leave. I go find a woman sitting with a pretty bad cut on her leg.
"Hello ma'am I'm dr L/N" I introduce myself
"Hello" she say
"So do you want me to stitch you up?" I ask
"Yes please" the woman say. I begin to stitch her up, when she begins to breath heavier.
"Ma'am are you okay?" I ask
"Yes just a little trouble breathing" she answer
"Can I check that out please?" I ask
"Yes ofc" she say and I check it out.
"Who was here with you first?" I ask her
"A doctor named Mia I think" she answer
"Thank you" I say and page Mia.
"You paged" Mia comes and ask
"She have decreased breath sounds on her right lung? Do that tell you anything" I ask
"No I just looked at her and everything looked fine" Mia try's to explain
"Did you check her breath sounds?" I ask
"No, she want complaining" Mia say
"She was in a train wreck, are you out of your god damn mind?" I yell at her
"Sorry" Mia apologies
"Always check breath sounds" I say
"My bad I will finish her up" Mia say
"Take her for a CT scan" I say and Mia does as told. Jeez that kid of she could just... nvm. I go to check on my John Doe.
"Sir?" I ask
"You were my doctor right" he ask
"Yes" I answer
"Did the surgery go well" he ask, thank god he remembers something.
"We had some complications but we figured it out, I will have to keep you here for observation" I say
"That's good right?" He ask
"Yes, but do you remember anything?" I ask
"I have a wife" he say
"What's her name?" I ask
"Jolene? No, Jeanette? No, Juan yes Juan that's her name" he answer
"What's you name?" I ask
"Mi- Mi- something that starts with Mi" he say
"Ok, last name?" I ask
"Johnson" he answers
"I will see if I can find your wife then" I say and leave. Wow life must suck, not knowing your own name. I go to the waiting area.
"Is there anyone in here named Juan with a husband with the last name Johnson?" I yell out but no one answer "Juan Johnson?" I try again
"That's- that's me, but he's my dad" Juan say
"Uhm ok come with me" I say
"Sir I found your daughter" I say
"Where Juan" he ask
"I'm Juan dad" Juan say
"Then whats your mothers name, and where is she?" He ask
"Kara but she's dead dad" Juan say, ouch that's tuff.
"But I I just saw her yesterday" he say
"I'm sorry Juan what's your dads name?" I ask
"Mitchell" Juan say
"Thank you, Mitchell what year is it?" I ask
"2012" Mitchell say
"Dad it's 2021, mom died in 2015" Juan say
"Juan can I talk to you outside please?" I ask
"Mhm" Juan say and we go outside.
"What happening?" Juan ask
"Idk but I will order a CT scan to find out" I say
"Thank you" Jean say
"No worries" I say and page Derek

A/N: somebody will die soon :/ it just makes everything more exciting.

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