Strongwings x Glory

Start from the beginning

Working out was one of the few things Strongwings put his full attention to. It gave him a thrill, knowing that he was getting stronger with every second that passed. Working out was so serious for him, in fact, that when someone knocked on his door after an hour, he didn't hear it at all.

It was only when the dragon let themselves in, and let out a little yelp, that Strongwings finally snapped out of his focus. He turned his head, ready to snap at the intruder for interrupting, and almost fell over in surprise when he saw Queen Glory herself was standing right at the door, her face scales pink in embarrassment.

Strongwings quickly recovered, bowing deeply. "Your Majesty! My apologies! I lost track of time, please forgive me for my incom-" Strongwings immediately stopped talking when Glory held up a claw, silencing him.

"It's alright, don't worry." She reassured. Strongwings noticed that her cheeks still had a tinge of pink on them. She looks cute when she's embarrassed, he thought, before squashing it down right away. Glory continued speaking. "But I told you that you had an hour to prepare, and now an hour has passed. Are you ready?" Strongwings hesitated, before nodding.

"Good." Glory said. "You are to begin... right now." At Strongwings' shocked expression, she smiled. 

"Don't worry, my other guards will make sure to teach you everything, isn't that right?" Glory turned to face them, and once they all nodded, she faced Strongwings again. "Well, that's enough chit-chat. Let's get started, shall we?" 

"Of course, my Queen." The Nightwing responded. He followed her out as she left, and flew towards a Rainwing that beckoned him over once he arrived outside.

"So, you're the new guy, huh? Strongwings, was it?" He asked. Strongwings dipped in head down in affirmation. "Great. The name's Gecko. I'm the guy who's gonna teach you everything, got it? And don't worry, I've taught every new blood before you, so you're in good talons." Strongwings grinned. 

"Glad to hear that." He replied.

"So, you're the guy who saved the Queen from an assassin, eh?" The older Rainwing smacked his shoulder. "Good on ya! That's damn impressive!" Strongwings rubbed the back of his head, embarrassed.

"It was nothing," he insisted. "Anyone would have done the same." Gecko laughed.

"Humble, eh? That's a nice change of pace from the other Nightwings I've seen. Ha!" Gecko's expression then turned more serious. "But anyways, let's get back on track, alright? There's a lot to learn in this job, and I'll be damned if I didn't teach you everything I know! You ready?" Strongwings grinned, before answering.


Gecko followed through on his word. For the next two weeks, he trained Strongwings on the job, teaching him everything he knew; from standard protocols, to what to do in the event of an emergency. The Rainwing teacher was impressed by Strongwings, as the Nightwing was a very fast learner, becoming fully trained in half the time it took other dragons to.

During the two weeks, Strongwings also got to know Glory better. Since he had saved her life, she was extremely grateful to him, and she spoke with him often. and the two became closer, eventually becoming friends. 

After he was fully trained, Gecko congratulated him.

"Good job kid, I knew you had it in ya!" The older Rainwing smiled proudly. "You're probably the sharpest student I've ever had! You're gonna go far, I'm sure." Strongwings smiled back, blushing in embarrassment.

"Thanks Gecko. You've been a great teacher," he responded. Gecko chuckled.

"That's the job. Anyways, since you're finished with training, you won't be seeing much of me anymore. These old bones can't handle all the walking and flying around anymore." He explained. Strongwings smiled sadly. 

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