"Aro you see no law has been broken here." Carlisle says. "Yes but," He takes a few steps forward "Does it follow that there is no danger in the future. For the first time in our history, humans pose a threat to our kind," he turns around facing his coven. "Their modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us," he looks back at us looking at Renesmeé and Annabelle. "Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative. In such parulis times, only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable and we know nothing of what these children are capable of and what they might become."

He looks back at us and I glare at him, "Can we live with such uncertainty, spare ourselves today, only to die tomorrow. "Alice." Edward says, I gasp and look back to see them both Alice and Jasper look at me, tears were slowly rolling down my face. Jasper's expression became a look of worry and guilt. Then they walk by to the Volturi. Guards go over and hold them back.

"My dear, dear Alice we are so glad you could make it and see you here after all." "I have evidence the girls won't be a risk to our kind." She says. Aro then grabs Alice's hand. I see Jasper get smacked as Alec hits him. I growl. They look at me.

My body stiffens, "It doesn't matter what is how you- even when you see you won't change your mind." Alice says, she turns around and looks at me. "Now." She mouths. I look at Jacob and Seth. "Take care of my kids." I say then they run off behind me. My heart broke in 2, Alice kicks Aro and he flies back at least 100 feet he catches himself.

He walks back. "Take her away." Aro says, They fight to get her back. Jasper tries to fight but he doesn't get loose. "LET HER GOO!!!!" Carlisle yells he runs over then and 2 guards run at him but he pushes them away he jumps in the air and Aro does the same. Then Aro lands and smiles evilly as he shows us Carlisle's head. I scream as loud as I could.

They burn his body. I see Esme bent over with her hands on her mouth. "NOOO!!!!" I yell I was the first one to run towards them but soon they all followed. I then jump at a vampire and kill him snapping his head off instantly. 5 minutes into the fight I see Jane go after Jasper with her powers while he fights off 3 vampires, I put my shield over him, but then Alec runs at me and I loose focus. I see him fall to his knees.

Then they snap his neck off. I wasn't fast enough to fight him off I watch as his heads snaps off. Me and Alice scream. I at the top of my lungs. I never got to say I forgave him. I never got to say that I loved him one more time.

My heart breaks farther then it already was. I see Emmett take off Alec's head he looks at me and he comes and wipes tears off my face. "We are gonna be ok Bella." He says I nod and wipe the tears, first my dad then Jasper. Who's next?

We get back to fighting. Then I see Jane use her power on Jared one of the wolves. Then his neck gets snapped in half. I yell, 4 vampires attack me and I try and fight them off. Benjamin makes a crack in the earth and I instantly push 3 vampires in then I kick the last one in. Then I see Esme holding on barely, I was about to help when Leah jumped in with 2 vampires on her and took the ones off of Esme. I run over and help Esme up.

"LEAH!!!" I scream. She looks at me. I look at Esme, she had a devastated look on her face. I run around and help Vivienne with 4 vampires. They struggle and soon I was about to fall but Vivienne pushed me back as she fell in the whole with now 5 vampires. "VIVIENNE NO!!!!" I screamed. "I love you Bella!" She says I scream as loud as I could. I look around and see Edward fighting Demetri.

I gasp as he falls in. I was about to fall to the ground with my heart shattered when I heard him yell and then almost fly out of the whole. I ran over and helped him. We killed him in seconds. "Leah, Vivienne, Jasper, Carlisle, Jared, I don't know how much more I can take." I say, "We will get through this and do it. Trust me Bella." I nod and he wipes the tears off our face.

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