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hey lol may or may not update again tmr


"GOOD MORNING!" WAS WHAT GREETED you once you got inside the classroom.

At the peripheral vision of your eye, you saw Todoroki eyeing you but you ignored it as you replied to Mina, who greeted you.

You smiled at her and she returned the gesture. You strolled past her and sat on your seat, making yourself comfortable.

You felt someone poke your shoulder blade to which you looked back, and it was Todoroki who was looking at you.

"Good morning."

Your lips parted slightly, quite not expecting the greeting to come from him. Once you got to your senses, you smiled and greeted him back.

"Good morning!" 

Certainly, it was a good morning for you.

After a few minutes had passed, Aizawa-sensei came into the classroom to take the attendance.

"For today's task, I will be grouping you up into pairs and the two of you must photograph scenarios that is pleasing to the eyes. Deadline will be by next week. Be as creative as you can with your output." Aizawa-sensei explained, looking at us lazily.

"How will we be paired up, sensei?" Iida asked.

"Well... just be paired with the person sitting behind you."  He replied, to which you automatically turned behind even though you already knew who was sitting behind you.

Todoroki stared back at you which made you awkwardly smile at him as you faced forward.

"If there are no more questions to be entertained, then I'll be going now."

Since no one asked anymore questions, Aizawa-sensei left the classroom. Just like the speed of light, everyone started to talk to their partners. You, included.

You faced Todoroki who was taking down notes in his notebook. You coughed purposely to get his attention, to which you succeeded as he looked up at you.

"So... I guess you're my partner now?" You asked, and he looked at you confusedly.

"Aren't we already?" Your brows furrowed at what he said, confused.

"What do you mean? Aizawa-sensei just announced the pairings not long ago."

He looked enlightened at what you said, apologizing. "Ah, my bad. Sorry. I thought you meant partners as in lovers."

You bit your bottom lip at what he said, trying to contain your smile but failed. You let out a small chuckle at what he said. He looked puzzled at your reaction.

"Sorry, did I offend you?" He asked, concern written all over his face.

"No, not at all, Todoroki! In fact, I found you adorable. It's fine, I swear!" You waved your hands profusely to show that you were not offended at all.

"Ah, is that so? Then, that's good to know..." He replied.

The topic changed and the two of you started to discuss what the two of you will do for the task.

"When are you free?" He asked.

"I'm free anytime. How about you?" You replied to him, resting your palm on your chin.

"Hmm... how about on Friday?" 

"That's fine with me. Friday it is, then?"

"Friday it is," He replied to you. "By the way... can I ask you a question?"


"What did you mean when you found me adorable?" He asked, curiosity in his eyes.

You almost choked on air, not expecting for him to ask that. "Oh, uh... Your reaction was adorable..."

You decided to say the truth- well, half the truth, that is. You weren't technically lying, it was true. You found his reaction to be adorable, but he himself was adorable, too.

He nodded to himself at what you said. "Oh, is that so?" You nodded at him, and he continued. "Then, can I say something?"

You gestured for him to go on, to which he did.

"I find you adorable. Very, very much, too."

Your eyes widened at what he said as you were left stunned.

Before you could even react or reply to him, the teacher came inside the classroom, leaving you a blushing mess as your back faced him.

FAKE BOYFRIEND ; shoto todoroki Where stories live. Discover now