Chapter 12

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*Erin's POV*

"First day, huh?" Today I was partnered up with a girl that just came from the academy.
"Yes ma'am." She seemed a bit shy and nervous.
"It's Erin. And no need to be afraid today's gonna be fun." I smiled at her and then we drove out of the parking lot.
Only a few minutes later a health check got called and it was right around the block.
"Go and take it." I encouraged her and she picked up her radio.
"21-13 Squad. We're gonna roll on that." She answered dispatch and then we had our first case for the day.
"Alright, Ella. Health checks are usually not that interesting but we'll see." I knocked on the door and an older lady opened.
"Good morning. Detective Lindsay and Officer Stevens. We got called here because a neighbor was worried about your well-being, because they haven't seen you for a while." The lady let us step in and seemed perfectly fine to me.
"Everything is fine with me, but I appreciate that you took the time to check on me." She offered us a cup of tea but both Ella and I didn't want one.
"Of course. We are here for that. Have a nice day." We left the lady again because she didn't need any help.
"21-13 Squad. We were at the address and the woman is fine." I radioed.
"Copy that, 21-13 Squad." Dispatch answered me.
"That was easy." Ella said when we got back into the car.
"Yeah. But not every call is so easy to handle." I started to drive again only to hear Adam call for backup a few minutes later.
"Want me to take it?" Ella asked and seemed really excited to take another call.
"No. They'll find someone else." I didn't want to have another call with Hank where I would make another mistake and disappoint him more.
"Did you ever have the chance to work with Intelligence? I heard that they are going after the big guys." Steven's looked at me.
"Kinda yeah. I was working for them but then left a few month ago." Ella's jaw dropped.
"You left?" She looked totally shocked about how someone could leave such an opertunity behind.
"Got mixed up with some stuff." I shrugged my shoulders and Ella nodded.
"21-13 Squad for 50-21 Ida." I grabbed my radio.
"Go for 50-21 Ida." Ruzek answered me.
"Hey Adam you still need backup?" I wanted to give Ella the change to meet some of my friends.
"Yeah sure, Lindsay." Ruzek answered and I smiled at Ella.
"Looks like someone's gonna work with Intelligence today." A big smile grew on Steven's face.
"Hey Erin." Kim greeted me when Ella and I walked up to them.
"Hey Kim. This is Ella, freshly graduated top of her class from the academy." I introduced my partner.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Burgess." Kim smiled at her and then told us what to do.
"Ready?" I turned around and looked at Ella and when she nodded I knocked at the door.
Stevens and I were supposed to distract the resident at the door so that the unit could enter the house unnoticed from behind.
"What do you want? I haven't called you." A grumpy looking man opens the door.
"I know but we're having to clear the whole street because CFD is suspecting gas leaking out and it is just for your safety." The man raised and eyebrow at what I said.
"Let me just get my jacke..." Antonio pressed his gun to the head of the man.
"No jacket needed. Your cell is going to be warm." Kevin cuffed him and brought him to the car.
"Good job you two." Adam nodded at us approvingly.
"Yeah. You too. See ya." Ella and I went back to the car because we still had some hours to work.
"That was so awesome." Stevens looked back at the unit when they drove off.
"If you do good work at the district maybe you'll get to work with them more often." I smiled briefly and then we started driving again.

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