
Comenzar desde el principio

I pick her up letting my bag pack fall to the ground. "Hello princess."

"Sky !" I look up to see a casually dressed Jessica approach me with Holden by his side. I put down Lexus, fist bump Holden then hug a smiling Jessica.

Her hair is braided perfectly to one side, falling low over her left shoulder.

"I missed you." She says and I tear up.

"I missed you too."

"Do you want some breakfast ?" She asks and I check the time in my wrist watch.

9:45 am

"Yeah. I'm famished." I say.

Lexus takes hold of my hand and leads me towards the dinning room where breakfast is already served.

I pour myself a mug of bitter sweet coffee and let Jessica serve me some eggs and bacon.

We make conversation while enjoying breakfast. Once we're done I help clean the dishes and Jessica has someone prepare a room for me.

"I'm glad you came to visit." Jessica says as we sit on one of the benches in her garden.

I'm quite for a while before gathering courage to tell her the real reason I'm in DC.,

"I actually came to see... Oren."
I announce and she goes quiet, awfully quite.

Why do I have the feeling that I'm not going to like what she has to say.

"Jessica... where's Oren ?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper.

She's quiet again before finally speaking.

"Oren doesn't live here. He left two months ago... to go live with Cole." She says. "Cole never left to go to the military because he didn't want to, so Oren was his only hope."

My world shatters.

"Where do they live ?"

"New York."


I give the taxi driver Oren and Cole's address then fall asleep at the backseat.

I know it's not wise but the jetlag has gotten onto me.

Right after Jessica told me Oren is in New York I didn't waste anytime. I thanked her for the breakfast then took the next flight to New York.

Half an hour later, the taxi comes to a stop and the driver wakes me. I pay him using my credit card then lazily hop out. I look up at the fourteen storey building and all I can manage is a yawn.

I'm really tired.

The building is really captivating but I'm too exhausted to admire.

I stagger inside the lobby and head towards the front desk. The brunette with the huge earrings, tight red blouse and heavy makeup eyes me like I'm from another planet.

"How can I help you ?" She asks with an attitude.

I'm about to answer her when a dizzy spree hits me. My bag pack falls to the ground and I loose focuse of everything.

"Hey, you okay ?" The girl asks but my body feels weak.

I let go of the front desk and trip on nothing. Right now I feel sick to my stomach for no apparent reason.

"Sky ?!" I hear my name and the voice sounds famliar. Way too familiar.


I turn to see Oren and Cole standing a few feet from me holding what seem to be shopping bags.

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I feel pain consume my body and I let myself go.

I wait to feel the pain of my body hitting the hard linoleum but it doesn't come. I force my eyes open and Oren's deep blue ones pierce mine.

The next thing I know is Oren's body provides me warmth before his familiar intoxicating cologne consumes me into deep deep slumber.

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