Putting my cup down I turned around only to be met with a smug looking Caleb, rolling my eyes at him. I crossed my arms against my chest leaning against the counter, same as him against the door, sighing in irritation.

He chuckles lowly before speaking "Morning princess, what are you doing up so early?" he questions. Pursing my lips together, I walk over to the fridge and grab the milk.

"Why are you always here buttercup, dont you have better things to do?!" I say, sighing at him while pouring the milk in my cereal. He chuckles once again, looking back up at him I wait for his response, watching the end of his lips twitch.

"Well why would I do that when I can come over here and see my firecracker in action every morning in her small shorts and sarcastic personality!" He says with a boyish grin painted on his lips. Shaking my head with a smile, I rolled my eyes at him and his taunting personality while showing my middle finger.

"Your such a perve Caleb" I say with a smile mocking him, walking over to my coffee I pour the milk before putting it back in the fridge.

"You love it Jo!" he says winking at me, I shake my head at him and his flirty self. Leaving the room with my breakfast I head to the living room setting myself on the couch. Putting my cereal down on the coffee table I began to drink my coffee while watching gilmore girls for the 7th time.

Damn Lorelai and Rory are just mother and daughter goals, the humor and sarcasm always gets me. Feeling the couch slowly move, I look to my side to find an amused Caleb staring straight at me, creasing my eyebrows.

"What do you want?" I ask Caleb in a jaded tone, the end of his lips twitch into a smile.

Shaking his head he clicks his tongue in a mocking tone, "tut tut, it isn't very nice to be so blunt princess" he says in a dissaproving tone. Leaning my arm against the back of the couch, I put my chin in the palm of my hand.

Tilting my head at him "Why do you think I care if I am being blunt with you" I say in a 'matter-of-fact' tone. He gives me a boyish grin, getting off the couch still facing me.

"I think you care more than you think you do" he says in a condescending tone making me scrunch my nose in confusion. He leaned down towards me making my eyes widen, before I know it he bops my nose.

Feeling patronized by him I swat his hand away from me, he chuckles at my grimance. Scowling at him as he walks away, I finish my cereal before leaving it in the sink.

Going upstairs I was in the hallway when I noticed Lilacs door was semi open, about to go in I notice another figure in there. Looking closer there I see Jackson and Lilac across from eachother talking to one another.

"Lilac, why wont you talk to me its been 2 weeks come on?!" Jackson asked looking at her with pleading eyes. Lilac has her arms crossed against her chest, shaking her head as she looks up at him with anger.

"I dont have to talk to you, remember I dont have a personality it would be a shame wasting all that time on someone who doesn't even like me!!!" she says bluntly but my heart hurt just knowing that it hurt her even more saying it. He looks lost when she sayed that, he looked at her with his eyebrows creased and a furious expression.

I feel for her

I mean if someone I really liked told me that I had no personality, and then compared it to my mortal enemy. 

I think I would die from embarresment and pain!!!

"Voilet, you know I didn't mean that!!!" he says taking a step towards her, only for Lilac to take a step back. His face dropped looking at her with his blue eyes becoming glossy but all she did was stay their with a frown.

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