38. Broken boy meets broken girl

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"I mean sure it's pleasing to watch and the sex we have is great, but do you know how much that will affect my image if it gets out to the public." Devyn explained. I felt sick to my stomach hearing this conversation happen.

The bastard was cheating on Lucy, the most perfect girl in the world. He was so proud of it too. All he cared about was his image, not the fact that he would be breaking the precious girls heart.

"I'll delete it," The girl started saying. "But only as long as we can continue having sex." She said seductively causing me to cringe.

"Of course we can keep having sex, baby. Just keep that pretty mouth of yours shut and we won't have a problem." He said smirking at her.

The conversation seemed to end there as Devyn didn't want to be seen standing next to her any longer, and he walked right past me and into another room.

I hit the save button and slid my phone back in my pocket.

How would Lucy react if she heard about this?

In a way this is good for me because that means I can prove to her how much of a dick he really is. I mean honestly, what does she see in him. There has to be something if she's let it drag on for this long.

The guys looked at me and widened their eyes as if signaling for me to give them an update.

I held up a finger and mouthed "I'll be right back." Before slipping behind the curtain and into the backstage area that I knew Lucy was in.

And then I saw her, sitting on the floor with Bella and Samantha by her side.

I knew that she was pissed at me, but oh God. If only she knew the recording that I had saved on my phone right now.

End of flashback

After Ashton had finished beating up Devyn, I stepped in and told him about the recording I had saved on my phone.

He tried to bribe me with money, a new car, and tons of other crap just so that I would delete it and never show any of it to Lucy.

I didn't give in and instead left without turning back. Ashton had left him in a pretty bad state but it was nothing that he couldn't handle on his own.

It was clear that Devyn didn't feel entirely guilty about all the shit he's put Lucy through. It was never glass half empty with him, as everything always seemed to go his way in the end.

"There's something I have to tell you guys," I said going over to the couch. Victoria and Luke came to sit by me and waited for what I had to say.

I took in a shaky breath and prepared myself to fill them in, "At the movie premiere, Devyn was talking to this girl. It looked like the two of them were a lot closer than just friends so I got curious and tuned into their conversation."

Speaking these memories out loud felt incredibly weird. It's not too much of a shock that someone like Devyn had gone out and done something like this, but it's just the fact that he did it to Lucy that blows my mind.

"The girl was fighting to keep some sort of footage that she had of the two of them. And throughout their conversation I found out that the footage she was talking about was a sex tape." At this, Victoria gasped and brought her hands up to her lips. Luke held an angry expression and wrapped his arm around his girlfriend.

"You're kidding. Please tell me you're kidding!" Victoria begged. I couldn't bring myself to look at her as I continued.

"He said that if she deleted it that they could continue having sex," I shook my head at the absurdity of this whole situation. "She agreed and they left the conversation at that."

"So Lucy is being cheated on?" Victoria said angrily. I nodded my head and a ran a hand through my hair.

"She can never get a break can she?" Luke said mainly to himself.

"God, I knew that Devyn was bad news from the very beginning when I tried to warn her." Victoria said sounding very upset. I don't blame her, Lucy is the only girl who's stuck by her all these years. They love each other more than anything and it sucks to see the person you love most go through horrible things.

I should know, I'm watching that happen right now.

"I guess it doesn't help that Lucy and I kind of um," I stopped myself before I could finish my sentence. I don't know if Lucy would want our friends to know what we did last night. She was vulnerable and I'm in love so we gave in and allowed our emotions to take over us.

"Kind of what?" Victoria said furrowing her eyebrows.

"Never mind." I shook my head and turned my body slightly away from them.

"No Calum, answer me. What did you two do?" She asked raising her voice.

"We were," I stopped again and tried to think of the right words to say. "Intimate last night." I said sounding like I was questioning myself.

"You guys had sex?" Victoria yelled loudly.

"Who had sex?" Michael asked as him and Ashton stepped through the front door.

Great, perfect timing. I practically rolled my eyes at the situation.

"Lucy and Calum!" Victoria informed Ashton and Michael as they took a seat on the couch and lounge chair.

"You're kidding." Ashton said with wide eyes. My face quickly grew red at the situation.

"He's not kidding." Luke said smirking.

"Fuck, don't you guys even care that I helped Lucy cheat on Devyn?" I asked looking around at my friends who seemed shocked that I even asked this.

"Dude," Michael spoke up. "Their relationship isn't real and it was forced from the get-go."

"It's you she wants to be with, not him." Victoria said emphasizing his pronoun.

"She keeps trying to convince me that she's still in love with him." I said disappointedly.

"If she was in love with him she wouldn't have had sex with you." Ashton said as if it was obvious.

"Well she did say that she still has feelings for me, but I don't think it's love." I didn't want to get my hopes up. I promised Lucy that I would do everything I could to get us back to the way things were and I was lucky enough to even hold her in my arms again.

"Look man," Michael started, getting my attention. "You and Lucy are soulmates. No two people go through so much together all for that to go to waste."

He has a point. Lucy and I have been through thick and thin this past year. We couldn't have gone through all that for nothing.

"Mikes right. Don't stress out about this Calum. You'll have your girl back." Ashton said.

I didn't feel like talking about this any longer. I knew that I did that right thing by letting her go so that she could make her own decisions.

"I'm gonna go upstairs." I said standing up. Everyone stayed silent and allowed me to leave so that I could be alone for a while. I was never one to share what I was feeling and when I find myself in situations where it's evident that I'm feeling something other than happiness, I keep myself in a bubble.

I needed to put my thoughts into lyrics. I might not be the type of person to share what I was feeling verbally but I certainly am one for writing them down where I know they'll be safe.

In songs.

We'll safety pin the pieces of our broken hearts back together.

Safety pin reference who am I??

Can we all agree that Devyn is the worst character in this book?

I cant believe that I'm 38 chapters in! I hope that I'm updating frequently enough.

Thank you for reading loves <3

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