"I'm not about to cuss at your kids, Maeve."

"Demitri doesn't care if you do. If you call Adaline on her shit, she will hit you. She doesn't mess around." I say, shrugging. I sat down next to Angel and so did Anna next to me. "Oh this is Anna. Anna meet the siblings. They're all annoying."

"No we're not." Damien says, rolling his eyes. I smiled at him.

"Axel is a surgeon at the hospital along with Sebastian. Julian is a lawyer. Matt is a therapist. Atticus is a doctor. Vanessa is a nurse. Damien is a car person. He loves them. Then Angel is a painter and a clothes designer." I say, pointing to them all. "Anna here is in, what grade again?"

"4th." She says, smiling. They nod. I looked at the playground, seeing the two kids playing tag with the others. I smiled.

"So, do you know what you want to be when you grow up?" Matt asks, curious. Anna frowns.

"I may want to be a firefighter. My career changes every week." She says, shrugging.

"You have a long way to go, Anna. It's worth it." Vanessa says, smiling.

We spent the rest of the day together. Demitri and Adaline came around a few minutes before we left, worn out. They kept themselves entertained for the most part. I joined them after an hour or so.

I looked at Anna who was already looking at me. The kids fell asleep on the way to her house.

"I'm sorry for not being there as much I wanted to be. I'm gonna move back here. Well, maybe. It's still in the works but I will stay a much longer time this time. I want to be there for your 4th year graduation. They still have that or is it 5th grade?" I ask, confused.

"5th grade." I nod, frowning.

"Well, I'm still gonna be here. We can have a girl's day just the two of us or we can include Angel. She really likes you." She nods.

"I would like that." She says, smiling. I get out of the car with her. I walked her up to the door, knocking. Gwen opens the door, smiling at us.

"How was your day, Anna?" She asks, curious. A bright smile went on her face.

"It was good." Gwen nods.

"You can tell me all about it." Anna hugged me before going into the house. I hugged her back.

"Do you want your rings back?" She asks, pulling back. I shake my head.

"Keep them. I have more."

"Thank you." She whispers. She went inside the house. I looked at Gwen with tears in her eyes. She pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you so much." She whispers. I furrowed my eyebrows. She pulled back and saw my confused expression. "Anna hasn't been social lately. Well after Malcolm died, she pulled away from everything. Today is the first day to see her smile that big. Thank you Maeve."

"Don't thank me, Gwen. I don't need that." I whispered. She sighs and caresses my cheek.

"You have to stop blaming yourself, Maeve. It's not your fault." I let out a breath.

"Have a good night, Gwen. I'll text you later this week, alright?" She nods.

I walked over to my car and got back in. I looked at the kids who were still asleep.


I kissed Demitri on the cheek and stepped backwards. I shut his door and sighed. Tears welled up in my eyes.

I walked down to my bedroom and shut the door, covering my mouth.

"Maeve, everything okay?" Killian asks, standing up from his spot on the bed. I shook my head.

He came over to me and pulled me into a hug, making me sob out. My legs gave out, making him catch me. He slowly sat down on the floor, with me sobbing in his arms.

"What's wrong, M?" He asks, his hands running through my hair.

"It's his birthday next week. I-I can't do it." I whispered, breaking into another round of sobs.

"Shh. I got you, Maeve." He says, softly. I sobbed into his shirt.

Killian's pov

I gently laid Maeve on the bed. She passed out from the crying. I let out a breath and kissed her forehead, pulling the sheets up over her body.

She asked me to come to New York. She wanted me around. I think she forgot that she said anything about it. She's gonna be surprised tomorrow when she sees I'm sleeping in the guest room.

I let out a breath and gently pushed a stray hair from her tear stained face.

"I'll wait. Forever if I have to. Goodnight, Maeve. Sleep tight." I whispered before shutting her door.

Lol hey. Hope everyone had a good day today! Drink water friends!

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