Chapter 66|| "Not Again."

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  I heard an engine rev just outside of the parking lot. I looked towards the street to see Eli pulling in. I stood up from the pavement and made my way towards his car.

He stopped for a moment, looking me in the eye as he realized something was wrong. He got out, pulling me into a hug.

"You okay bub?" He asked as his voice muffled through my hoodie.

I felt a tear fall down my cheek as he pulled away. I wanted to reply but I couldn't. The words wouldn't come out without me beginning to sob.

"I know." He said cupping my face with both hands. He wiped my tears with his thumbs.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't of gotten you into this."

"It's okay." He said with a small smile

"I can pencil in you crying to me anytime."

I scrunched my face at him as I smacked his arm lightly

"Shut up."

"Make me ace." He replied as I rolled my eyes at him

"It made you smile though." He said with a sympathetic smile

It did..


That's from Gilmore girls..

"You watch Gilmore girls ?!" I replied

His faces became red as he began to stutter

"Uh- I - my mom watches it I just uh- I heard it."

I smiled as he struggled to admit his undying love for Rory Gilmore.

"You have a crush on Rory." I said poking him

"Well actually I have a crush on you but-"

He stopped himself, looking down at his shoes then back up to me.

"I'm sorry, that's out of line."

I placed my hand on his arm

"You'll find someone, but right now I'm not ready." I said as we got into the car

"I know that. I'll wait." He said as he put one hand on the wheel and one on my seat to turn out of the parking slip.

that shouldn't be attractive-

He drove us to my house where we sat and watched Gilmore Girls until we passed out on the couch. We fell asleep on opposite sides.

I opened my eyes to see a dark room. I stepped on stage grabbing the microphone. Luke, Reggie and Alex stood behind me waiting for my cue.

I began singing as the stage lit up. But when I got to the chorus something was wrong.

I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. I felt the beat of my heart consume my hearing. While the stage darkened again. The boys began to fade away as I tried to yell for help. I'm the only one left as the spotlight lies upon me.

A voice echoed through the room

"You're running out of time Aliyah."

"It's not over yet."

I jolted from my sleep as he sat behind me. He woke up to me screaming.

"Hey hey it's okay princess." He wrapped his arms around me as I fell into his chest.

With everything in me this feels wrong. Luke is the one who should be here holding me. Not Eli.

I felt my heart sink as the door opened. Luke wiped his eyes as he saw Eli and I. But this time he didn't seem to care. An arm reached over his shoulder as she wore an oversized Luke shirt.

"Come back to bed." Jess said in his ear as he kissed her cheek

Eli looked at me for a moment, giving me a small sympathy look.

I opened my eyes once more to see the dark room and the TV off. I stood up looking for a light switch. Eli was gone and Luke's car wasn't in the driveway. A small light crept through my window. I looked at my door to see a note from Eli.

I left after you fell asleep, I didn't wanna stay if you didn't want me to and you were already asleep. But there's donuts outside if you want them.

- Eli

That's such a luke move... I felt the cold air brush pass my shoulders forcing me to shiver.
I pulled a flannel out of my closet. Wrapping myself in it. It smelled strongly of his cologne.

I made my way downstairs to the front door picking up the donuts. Texted Eli thank you, and walked out toward the garage.

I knocked but no answer.

A female voice came from behind me

"They left a while ago for a gig sweetheart."
Jess said as she tanned on the beach chair

"What are you doing here." I asked

"Waiting for Luke to get back?" She replied

"Man you're really unbelievable." I replied putting the donuts in the room

She stood up walking infront of me

"Listen, I've waited years, to see Luke again."

"This is my chance, and I'm not loosing it now."

I rolled my eyes

"Heard it before." I replied

Her face became red as her eyes glowed a purplish tint.

not again..

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