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I decided to take Kane to Uma's ship first. Turns out it was a bad idea. "So where are we going?" Kane asked "it's a surprise" Mal answered. She still didn't trust him, she felt like she knew him from somewhere. She would have to come up with a plan with Evie, Ben, Jay, and Carlos. They led the trio to the ship and Kane gasped when he saw it. Uma walked up to them and narrowed her eyes when she looked at Kane, "you" they both snarled (did you realize that they would be enemy's because Percy's brother is Triton and Ariels Father is Triton and Ursula is her enemy and Uma is the daughter of Ursula) The whole crew grabbed there swords and pointed them at Percy. Percy grabbed a ballpoint pen. Mal would have laughed if a roar didn't sound that moment. They all ran to the sound and Uma and Kane exchanged glares. Kane glare was far by scarier. Uma flinched and backed down. We came to the source of the noise and saw a creature with one eye. Ben protected the Nico, Thalia, and Kane (lol) while we charged with out swords, Jay slashed at it but the sword went right through. The monster picked up Jay and threw him. Carlos ran to find Jay and Nico was struggling against Ben's grip. Kane was watching amused, he then shoved Ben aside and uncapped his pen, it turned into a bronze sword. He ran at the monster and Evie screamed "no!" But Kane's blade sank into the monster and it exploded into dust. "What was that?" Mal questioned. "The reason why you need to come with us!" Nico exclaimed. "I thought we were done with this!" Mal said looking at Kane "Yup all done, we will leave after finding what we're looking for and you will continue to get attacked by the monsters all the time" Kane told her, inspecting his nails. Suddenly Celia and Dizzy ran up to them and Kane looked at them as if contemplating weather to give them hugs. "Who are they?" Celia asked eyeing Kane suspiciously. "I'm Kane" they shook hands. "I'm Celia" she told him. Suddenly Carlos ran are way with Jay. He looked bad, he probably broke his ribs and one of his legs. "I can fix it" Kane said, I sucked in a breath, not knowing if I should trust him or not. Not waiting for my response, he waved his hands over Jay chanting a few things (all the gods blessed him) Jay got up, fine.
"How did you do that" Celia asked in awe
"None of your business" Kane snapped at her. Celia backed away.
"So Nico" Mal asked, "what powers do you have"
"I've got a game" Dizzy said "everyone takes turns showing off their powers, if they have them"
"I'll go first" Mal said. Her eyes glowed green and she turned into a dragon.
"I have a friend that can do that" Kane said, unimpressed
"I'll go next" Uma said, glaring at Kane. She led everyone back to the ship and dived in the water and turned into a sea monster. Kane yawned
"Does nothing impress you?" Evie asked
"Not anymore" Kane replied
"Well if your so high and mighty, show us your powers"  em challenged, he didn't like Kane, i mean the guy had held a knife to his neck.
"I'll go first" Thalia volunteered, she thrust her hands in the air and lighting struck the ship. She then proceeded to fly up in the air. When she came back down Mal said
I can see why are powers don't impress you"
"I'll go next" Nico told them. Mal was excited to see what Nico could do.
He thrust his hands in the air and skeletons rose up from the ground. Nico snapped his fingers and they disappeared. He then vanished into the shadows and reappeared behind Carlos, making him jump in surprise.
"That was so cool!" Dizzy said
"My turn" Kane said, he rose his hand and the sea rose with it. Soon he was standing in the middle of a swirling hurricane. Percy dropped his hands and the water receded to the ocean.
"That was awesome!" Celia exclaimed. Ben pulled Mal aside
"Are you sure we can trust them? Been asked
"Not at all" Mal replied. Meanwhile the big three children were having there own troubles.
"When will Aphrodite's power stop working?" Nico questioned
"If I'm hurt" Percy replied
"So you just can't get injured, I can work with that" Thalia added. Little did they know, a certain dog lover was watching them.
Carlos joined Mal and Ben's conversation
"Guys, I overheard Nico, Thalia, and Kane talking about Aphrodite's power or something, he said it will stop working if he is injured"
"But what is Aphrodite's power?" Mal asked
"Aphrodite is the Greek goddes of Beauty, maybe it can change someone's appearance" Ben chimed in
" that would make a lot of sense" Carlos agreed, "now we need to hurt Kane"

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