Part 1

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Some characters I made myself + gender :)
Y/N: your name L/N: last name - you (female)
Mike Dallas - your intern (male)
Mia Woods - your intern (female)
Noami Sanders - your intern (female)
Jake Rivera - your intern (male)
Wei Chang - your intern (male)
Bonnie Powell - cardiothoracic surgeon (female)
Mary Webb - pediatric surgeon (female)
Theo Walker - general surgeon (male)
Steve Nelson - orthopedic surgeon (male)
Lexa Ryan - chief of surgery (female)
James Rogers - Trauma surgeon (male)
Tazia Stevens - your scrub nurse (female)
Y/M/N: your mothers name - your mother (???)
Y/F/N: your fathers name - your father (???)
• I put ??? Because Idk the gender of your parents •

I walk into my apartment, seeing Derek and Mark sit on the couch watching television.
"Marks screwing a new girl" Derek say
"Mark you're a man whore" I say and dump down between them "what are you watching?"
"Surgery films" Mark say
"Cool" I say. We watch surgery films and eat snacks.
"I'm going to bed" I say
"Me too" Derek say
"Well me too then" Mark say, and we all go to bed. Derek is the head of neurosurgery here, Mark is head of plastic, and I'm just an attending. I went to school with Derek and Mark, so we're pretty close. I basically know everything about them, even things I don't want to know.

I wake up to my alarm. Sometimes I just hate being a surgeon, waking up at 5 am. I groan and get up, gotta be ready for rounds at 6 am.
"Derek get out of the damn bathroom" I yell
"I'm taking a shit, leave me alone" he yells back
"Why do I live in a house full of boys" I groan
"Because you love us" Mark yells from the kitchen
"No I don't" I say and go to the kitchen "since when does Mark Sloan cook"
"Since now" Mark say and give me a portion.
"You can have the bathroom" Derek say
"Thank you" I say and go to the bathroom. Finally, I love the bathroom. I get ready, and we all head out together. We get to work, I groan knowing that I have to do rounds with my interns.
"Good luck with you interns" Mark teases
"Shut up" I say and walk inside. There they are, standing and waiting like dogs.
"Rounds starting in 5 be ready" I yell at them. I go to the lockers, and put on my uniform.
"Ready or not I don't care c'mon" I say, the secret behind good interns is being quite mean to them.
"Hello ma'am how are you today" I ask the patient
"Great" she answer
"Dr Dallas please" I say and nod at Jake
"Alyssa Williams, 39 year or old woman, brain tumor located at the frontal lobe" Dr Dallas say
"Surgery or not?" I ask
"Surgery" Dr Dallas answer
"How would you proceed?" I press him
"Uhm, craniotomy" dr Dallas say nervously
"Great you'll be scrubbing in, prepare miss Williams for surgery you'll be scrubbing in" I say
"Thank you" dr Dallas say and we all leave.
"I'm sorry dr L/N" one of the interns Mia say
"Mhm" I say
"Why did Jake get the surgery" she ask
"He knew how to" I say
"Because that is the easiest surgery ever" Mia say
"No it's not, we could kill him with a single mistake, nothing in neuro is easy" I say madly at her
"But" she starts
"No buts get over it" I cut her off "Woods Chang Pit, Sanders Rivera room 3428" I tell my interns. I'm gonna go complain to Derek about life and then I'm going to do the craniotomy, sounds like a plan to me. I go and find Derek.
"Derek gosh I need you" I start
"For?" Derek ask
"I need to complain about life" I say
"I gotta go check up on a patient" Derek say
"I'm gonna complain on the way then" I say
"Alright then" Derek say laughing a bit at me
"Shut it" I say harshly
"Jeez, ok complain" Derek say
"So my intern Mia just called a craniotomy an easy surgery, like is she insane" I say
"Well she most definitely is, it's serious" Derek say
"That's what I told her. Mike Dallas is scrubbing in. Mia Woods and Wei Cheng got the pit. Naomi Sanders and Jake Rivera got room 3428" I tell Derek
"Why'd you give her the pit then" Derek ask
"She's good, just too much self confidence" I say
"Great c'mon" Derek say
"What why?" I ask
"This patient has a tumor sized of a tennis ball in his head" Derek say
"And?" I ask
"We're gonna tell him, and then we're gonna operate if his mother and father will let us" Derek say
"Wait how old is he?" I ask
"13" Derek say
"Wow that's tuff" I say
"Yep, you wanna help out?" Derek ask
"Are you kidding me ofc" I say. We walk into the room, and see the 13 year old boy.
"Hello Troy, how are you?" Derek ask
"Headache" Troy say
"That makes good sense. mrs and mr Ward, can we talk outside?" Derek ask, and we all go outside
"Troy have a tumor the size of a tennis ball in his brain. It's pressing on many parts in his brain, which is why he have so many problems" Derek say
"Omg" Mrs Ward say
"We can operate if you would let us, it's risky but it's very possible" Derek say
"What are the risk" Mr Ward say comforting his wife
"Dr L/N?" Derek ask
"Worst case scenario he will be paralyzed for the rest of his life, I'm sorry" I apologize
"In every part of his body?" Mrs Ward stammers
"Yes, I'm very sorry" I say
"Best case scenario?" Derek ask
"We will successfully remove the tumor and he will live a normal life again" I say which brings a smile in their faces
"But will it be easy?" Mr Ward ask me
"No but dr Shepard is the very best" I assure them
"May we do it?" Derek ask
"If you don't, what will happen?" Mrs Ward ask
"Long slow painful death" Derek say
"Do it" Mrs Ward say
"You okay with that?" I ask mr Ward
"Yes yes, do it now" mr Ward say
"Will do, l/n book an OR" Derek say and I do as told.
"Y/n page on of your interns and get them to prep him, the one you choose can scrub in" Derek say
"Got it, I will move my other craniotomy till tomorrow" I say
"Perfect, now go find an intern" Derek say and I page Mike Dallas right away.
"Dr L/N you paged" Mike say
"Move Alyssa Williams surgery, and go prep Troy Ward for surgery" I say
"Ok" Mike say
"Oh yeah you'll be scrubbing in" I add
"Thank you" Mike say and leave.

A/N: so if u didn't write the description, it's in New York before Derek moved to Seattle and before Addison. Anyways hope you enjoyed :)

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