1. Methods

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Hi!! Thank you all for being here and for trusting me!
I'm here for spreading only true information and only positivy about shifting!
First of all: if you have any questions in particular that you would like for me to answer them, comment and I'll be so glad to help all the baby shifters!
So in this book, I will teach you how I shift and be helping you also shift!
you're shifting, just believe it!

In this first part I'm going to talk about the methods I personally use for shifting but YOU DEFINITELY DON'T NEED ONE! Methods can SOMETIMES be helpful so it's easier to believe shifting and also it definitely helps if you are a baby shifter.

The methods I personally use can work for you but everyone's different so it can also not work.

I have aphantasia (it's nearly impossible for me to visualize) so I use methods that I don't need to visualize.

1st there are two types of methods: AWAKE methods and SLEEP methods. I personally prefer the sleep methods because they are easier for me but you can choose an awake method if you feel more confident with one. In this part, I'll talk more about sleep methods because that's what I'm comfortable talking about.

There are a great variety of methods but because I have aphantasia I only use 3 of them that don't require visualization as much as other ones.

1- Raven Method

The Raven method is a sleep method. First, you are going to lay down in a starfish position (I personally don't, I just lay in a position that I'm comfortable with and you can do the same) and be calm. It's recommended that you meditate before to be fully calm but I don't and it works just fine for me!

If you can, you can listen to subliminals while doing this.

Then, when you are in a comfortable position start counting from 1-100 or 1-200 SLOWLY, take your time. If you want (and if you have aphantasia like me it's recommended) say affirmations between each number or every 10 numbers, as you like more. Take your time, do it slowly, don't rush, and most importantly FOCUS on it. Don't focus if you are getting symptoms because not everyone gets symptoms and if you focus on them you won't be focusing on your desire reality, and for shifting you need to feel your surroundings, feel and if you can, visualize them changing. When you reach 100 and if you feel that you aren't in your DR yet, you can start over again or continue counting until you feel it. You can also visualize yourself in your DR, doing something that your DR-self would do, you can visualize someone or someplace from your DR, usually, people say it helps a lot.

When you fully shifted your eyes should open automatically or you would definitely know it. :)

This is the method I use the most because for me it doesn't require visualization. After all, I just focus on my surroundings changing.

2- Julia Method

First, you are going to put on some theta waves (6hz is best) and meditate for ten minutes or whatever makes you comfortable and you feel like you're fully relaxed and you are not thinking about anything else.

After you've done that repeat in your head "I am" until you get some sort of sign of shifting, ANYTHING you feel like it's a symptom would do BUT DON'T FOCUS ON GETTING THEM, WHEN YOU FEEL THEM YOU'RE GOING TO start counting from 0-100 very slowly, TAKE YOUR TIME! you can also say some affirmations like in the Raven Method but that's not mandatory.

after you've counted start using identity affirmations like you already are in your DR. You can say things like "I am (dr name)" "I love (hobby)" "I live in _____" "I like_____" "I go to school/ work at_____" "I am friends with ______" whatever you want to say but usually start your affirmations with "I" keep on doing this until you feel completely disconnected from your body, it can be floating or like you feel like someone else. Once you feel that start visualizing your DR, you can also feel your surrounding if you aren't good at visualizing or if you can't at all like me, once you feel your surroundings changed, open your eyes and you should be there!

3-Pillow Method

This method usually it's a complimentary one. You usually do this and do another method but you can definitely just do this.

First, you are going to print or write your entire script in a notebook or on some loose paper, whatever you like the most.

Then you are going to meditate - I don't but if it helps you be more relaxed use it. When you feel fully calm, read your script how many times you would like and think about your DR while doing it.

Then you are going to put your script under your pillow and you can do a method next or you can just go to sleep. It's your choice.

REMINDER: everyone's different. A certain method can work for someone and not work for you so experiment with various methods for some nights (3-4 nights for each method). PLEASE, IT'S IMPORTANT THAT YOU DON'T SHIFT 3 OR 4 NIGHTS IN A ROW, YOU NEED TO REST. Please don't shift more than 2 nights in a row and take a break sometimes. It's easier if you take breaks because if you don't, you will be tired and it may not work if you are too tired. Think about yourself first!). When you tried some methods. Think about which one brought you more results (if you dreamed about your DR with one, if you felt symptoms and how strong where these symptoms, things that show you that you are close to shifting), and then you can choose whatever method you think works best for you.

There are many more methods but I usually only do these because they don't really require visualization. You can also script a WAITING ROOM if it helps - I don't do it but you should do what you think works best for you!

If you want me to talk about more methods, leave a comment in this part about it and I'll definitely do more research for you guys on other methods.

If you want me to I can also tell you some subliminals that I trust and use while shifting - you don't need to use them but I like to use them because it helps for me. You can also listen to music that reminds you of your DR.

Reminder that you don't need a method to shift, it just makes it easier for some people and it's easier for your brain to believe that you are shifting this way.

Tell me what you guys would like for me to talk about in the next part and if you have any questions or doubts leave them in the comments that'll gladly answer them all for you.

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