The Way I Won't Forget

Start from the beginning

"You better come back to us, Weasley" George smirked sadly as he dipped his head in acknowledgement at me.

I let out a giggle and nodded to him. There was no way in hell I was leaving my family behind now, yes, my destiny had arrived but I was only just fulfilling a part of it; I still had a lot of life to live yet and so did Harry.

"I love you" Fred whispered into my ear above the raging noise of war, "it's like I said, we'll all be on Hogwarts bridge laughing about this crazy fucking war" he chuckled.

I closed my eyes momentarily, trying to inhale as much of his scent as I could before I left.

"This isn't goodbye" I said sternly to them all, reluctantly tugging away from Fred's embrace.

"Better bloody not be!" Ron warned.

I grinned at my amazing family before I turned around and sprinted out of what was left of the great hall.

I waded my way through the maze of the ruins of Hogwarts school, weaving through pieces of my home that I'd made so many memories at-each pile of rocks a part of the wall I'd touched as a second year for the first time. I came to be outside, the grey blue-hued sky sweeping above me as if the end could ever have a little sun for once.

Then, I saw them.

Fred Weasley
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Ron and Hermione had moved from our place behind the rock to fight.

I could see them both duelling a death eater each, waving their arms around in a mad, desperate attempt at curses.

George and I quickly ran out from behind the rock and ran up the crumbling stairs to the top floor. I knew members of the order had gone up there during the first part of the fight and I'd yet to see some of them return...

As we emerged to the top floor, I audibly gasped at the view from the wooden beamed windows.

Hogwarts lay a wreck.

The walls and grand columns marking out the courtyard were now collapsed on the ground, implanted in the dirtied floor where the grass had been ripped out due to blazing fires from the dragons and spells. Nezz's dragon was lay on the floor of what used to be the entrance to the courtyard, its eyes open and unblinking-a red, seeping hole engorged in its chest.

As George and I approached the window closer, we stared down below to see Harry, Nezz and Voldemort in a face off.

"It was her all along, wasn't it?" Remus's saddened voice startled me.

He stood next to us looking rather ragged. His sleeve had been torn, his face patched with smears of black and his hands bloodied from a large gash he'd acquired.

Nevertheless, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw he was alive, I patted his shoulder and nodded.

"Yeah" I answered his question.

"I always knew she was destined for greatness, that's why I never let her come to this school at first" Remus smiled crookedly at us. "Seems I should've kept her at home for a tad longer" he mused, knowing that really, this was always going to be Nezz's destiny.

𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑲|𝑺𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑼𝑺 𝑩𝑳𝑨𝑪𝑲'𝑺 𝑫𝑨𝑼𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑬𝑹Where stories live. Discover now