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I stare at him. I feel like i couldnt believe what i was hearing. I mean i know i fucked up and wasnt taking their feelings into consideration but damn..
Namjoon:" we are going to the volturie"

Jin:"i dont want to die because of you."
He says looking at me. When the volturie hear of something so degrading to their kind they dont stop to make sure they seek out revenge.


He hesitates to speak but he Just stops. My heart starts racing as we head to the volturies castle. I look at jimin. He looks away disgustedly. My palms start to get sweaty and i feel someone take my hand and hold it in their sweaty palm. I look at the direction the hand is coming from.


He puts his finger over his lips. He shushes me quietly.

Jasp:"im really sorry everyone"

Their attention turns to me

Jasp:"i know What i done is wrong, i know its inexcusable, i understand that you all arent going to forgive me easily or even at all. But im am truly sorry for not thinking about you guys feelings"

The corner of namjoons mouth curls upwards. They all go back to looking where ever they were before. I dont want to die...

Should i escape, should i stay, or should i just face my consequences that are coming to me. If i run will the consequences be worse. The volturie doesn't like to be kept waiting. They dont like if you also try to run from them. That means your hiding something to them....
I dont know what to do

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