After the break up

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-Meliodas' POV-

As I heard the door smash closed, I felt something fall out of my pocket. A small black box with silver decorations on.

I slowly picked it up and opened it. The perfect silver ring with a heart formed pink dimond on it. It was all real. Real silver and a real diamond. It have costed me everything I spared since I was 10. I wanted her ring to be perfect when I was going to ask her marry me. For everything to be perfect.

Tears ran down my face no stop now. I was thinking of asking her tonight. To first have a chill day with her and on midnight, I was going to take her out to the perfect place to ask. Then I would take her to a 5-star hotel where we have an own pool on the roof, eating and drinking before going to bed.

More tears ran down from my cheeks, dropping down from my chin. I have an unborn child I won't even be able to meet and Elizabeth, the person I care about more then anyone and anything in the whole world, broke up with me.

Was i really controlling? I had no idea she felt that way. That I didn't comfort her when she needed it... that I forced her to do things she didn't want to... that I was controlling her whole life...

-Diane's POV-

I opened the door when I was in the middle of watching a movie with Elaine. Crying was heard as I opened the door.

The one standing there was Elizabeth.

"Oh, come in Elizabeth. I will make a guest room ready for you."

She nodded and stepped in, taking off her shoes. Elaine went up to us while I went away to get the guest room ready.

It took some minutes, but as soon as I was done, I went down to Elaine and Elizabeth. Elaine was comforting Elizabeth as much as she could.

"How did it go?" I asked worriedly. She whipped her tears and started explaining for us what happened. Hugging her, I said "It's great you finally did it Elizabeth. He won't control you anymore and I will help you with the child."

"Me too!" Elaine cheered. Elizabeth just gave a weak smile before saying "Thanks guys. You are the best."

"We try to be." Both me and Elaine said at the exact same time, making us all giggle. We continued to hang out until Elaine had to go home.

"We should go to sleep, you have had an exhausted day today." I said. She nodded and I led her up to her room. We started making ourselves ready for sleep and then went to. It was already pretty late anyways.

I woke up to crying and slowly made my way to the guest room. Elizabeth was in bed, crying her eyes out.

"Elizabeth? You okay?" I asked. She slowly turned to face me and shook her head.

"I-I miss him so much, I can't even get to sleep without him." She cried. Walking over to her with a worried face, I spoke "Tell me about it."

"H-He always use to put his arms around me before falling asleep, like if he was protecting me. It always made me feel safe except when we just watched a horror movie. I can't even get to sleep without him in the same bed. I have been too used to sleep with him." She cried.

Whipping away her tears, I said "I understand that, but he probably just did that for you to believe him more. He's a great manipulator. He have probably done it the whole time, but much more now."

She gave a small nod. Curious, I asked "Anyway, you never told me how you meet him."

"W-We meet when we was 15 and I was new to this school. H-He was then only one a-actually talking to me. A year after, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said y-yes. Once we was 18, we took each other's innocence and moved together. T-Then we have been together the rest 7 years." She explained, her crying slowly stopping.

"That actually sounds pretty sweet." I said. She nodded and leaned on me. Then she whispered "I think I still love him... but he will never love me back after what I just did..."

Her voice trailed down until it was all quiet. Looking at her, I saw her asleep on my shoulder. A small smile formed on my face as I tucked her in bed.

She will find someone else, better. Then she will just forget about this Meliodas and live happily. Hopefully, I will too someday. Find someone I really will love until death tears us apart.

I went back to bed and fell asleep pretty fast. The days went by slowly with Elizabeth heart broken. It's horrible she loves him this much even after him controlling her. She's really an amazing person. If I was homosexual, she would definitely be my type. No doubt.

What happened was really horrible.

A call interrupted my and Elizabeth's lunch.

"I will get it." I said and went to my phone. It was Elaine.


"Diane! Help me! I saw the most handsome guy in the store and I think I have a crush on him! I can't stop thinking of him!" Elaine shouted in the phone. Giggling, I asked "You will probably not meet him ever again."

"That's not true! We actually... talked a bit. He was going to try a cheer up his best friend or something and I kinda told him you, Elizabeth and I could help him."

"For real?!" I asked.

"Yes! It's next Saturday!" She yelled, making me jump up and do a small dance. Elaine will finally have a boyfriend!

"We gotta celebrate this! Come to me tonight at 7 PM!" I said and hung up. Saturday, it's in three days!

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