Chapter 21

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An unopened letter lay on the kitchen table as if it had simply appeared overnight. Amity walked towards it, slipping her fingers over the neatly sealed yellow envelope. A single word was scrawled across the front.


Her fingers shook slightly, wondering what the letter might contain. The hand-writing had been familiar at some point but now it was only a dim nagging in the back of her head with no memory of who it belonged to. Her heart fluttered as she sat down on a nearby chair. Luz gently placed her hand on her girlfriend's shoulder, nodding softly.

"It's okay Ams."

She smiled weakly in return, running her index finger under the seal. It flipped open, revealing a small piece of parchment tucked inside. Gently, she removed it from its place, holding it tenderly in her fingers. She glanced over at Luz who stood waiting expectantly. She caught Amity's eye and nodded, understanding her message.

"I'll be next door," she said, kissing her softly on the cheek before leaving the room.

Amity turned back to the letter on her lap, drawing in a deep breath and unfolding it. Her eyes immediately lingering over the first words. She began to read.

My dear Amity,

It has been many months since I have seen you last, although, as your mother informed me, you have seen her far more recently. I would like to apologize for all of our actions over the years, but I do not expect for you to forgive us. We have done so much wrong but yet I have never found the right words to truly express how sorry I am. As you may not know, your mother and I have gone our separate ways. She was no more than a burden, a shadow in our household, everything under her command. My dearest daughter, I do love you so. You and the twins are my pride and joy. I would be honored if you were still to call me your father. I was sincerely sorry to hear about the way you were treated last night, and I hope that maybe someday I could meet this partner of yours and maybe get to know her if you would allow it. She seems as if she is quite a lovely young girl and I am beyond happy for you, Amity.

Once again I am exceedingly sorry. I miss you so very much my dear. I hope to see you again soon.

Love,                                                                                                                                                                                   Your Father                                                                                                                                                                              Alador  

Amity reached up to rub her eyes only to find them filled with tears. Her father still cared for her. He had left Odalia. He was still alive. A foolish grin crept it's way across her lips. By the time that Luz knocked on the door she was practically beaming.

"Come in!" she said quickly

The door swung open and Luz, seeing Amity's tears, immediately frowned. 

"Is everything okay?" she asked, slowly approaching the witch.

"Ya," she smiled, her eyes shining in the light. "Everything is great."

Luz grinned, pulling out a chair beside her and sitting down beside her.

"So, what did it say?" she asked as Amity returned the letter to where it had sat before.

"It was my dad," she stated, making Luz stare at her quizically. "He um, he left my mo... Odalia. And he said that he couldn't apologize more for everything that they had done in the past," She gently took Luz's hands and smiled softly. "He said that he hopes that someday he can meet you, my girlfriend, if we're okay with it."

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