The Flight Home (Part 1)

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And that was that. A fun weekend with my best friend in a city, state, and country I've never been to. We ate foods that Sunday night that I never would have even considered trying on my own. We saw people and things that you can only see in New York. We heard music that I've never heard before from a singer I've never heard of. That's all it was.

The time flew by and before either of us knew it, Hailey was dropping me off at JFK airport late that night for my flight home.

"It was amazing to have you in New York, but I wish you could have stayed longer!" Hailey pouts.

I put an arm around her shoulders. "Me too. I had more fun in two days than I think I've had in ten years combined. Thanks for drunk-buying those tickets. Let me know if you want me to pay you back for it, don't feel bad asking. That was a lot of money!"

"Don't worry about it. I might take up dog-nannying for that rich cousin, and I'll have the money back in no time. It was worth it." She gives me a sincere smile. "Next time you come we should do a road trip down the East Coast! Not only is it cheap, the views are fantastic!"

I laugh. "Ok, it's a plan. The next time I come to America, we'll do that."

Hailey's eyes widen. "'Next time?' You mean you'll take more vacations?"

"Ah, we'll see." She grips my arm with a knowing smile and shakes me until I admit it. "I...I had more fun than I thought I would."

"Yes!" she exclaims.

I glance at my watch and then at the waiting security line. "Thanks again."

Hailey gives me a sad smile. "Anytime, girl."

She wraps her arms tightly around me and I return the hug, equally sad at having to say goodbye. Hailey pulls back. "Do you have everything? Your phone? Your shoes? Your toothbrush?"

I heft my backpack, it feels about the right weight. I pat my hand around the side pocket with my phone. That instant, my heart drops. I don't feel it.

"Do you have my phone?" I ask. Hailey shakes her head. "Did I leave it in your car?"

"I don't think so. At least, I didn't see it," Hailey responds, checking her own pockets to verify that she doesn't have it. "When was the last time you used it?"

I cast my mind back through our day. Hailey drove me here. Before that we were in her flat to grab my things. I don't remember it then. Before that we went out to eat at a fancy Sushi restaurant. I don't remember using it then either. Before that she walked me down Fifth Avenue for some window shopping, and we were there a while. I don't remember using it then. Before that we were at the meet and greet...and I had the employee take pictures on my phone...

I drag my hands down my face. "No, no, no."

Hailey looks up from checking to see if my phone's location is on. "What? Do you know where it is?"

"The meet and greet. I thought I remembered to get my phone back from that woman, but...I don't know." No! This can't be happening. I don't even know where I'd go to claim it. I'm definitely going to miss my flight.

Hailey's concerned face suddenly turns into a sly grin. "Does this mean we get to go see Harry Styles again? Gale Morgan, you are a genius!"

"No! I didn't mean to. And now we have to track down Smiles' team and find out who has my phone and drive to them and I'll miss my flight and I'll miss work tomorrow. I can't miss work tomorrow!" I whine, starting to pace in a short path before Hailey.

"Don't worry." Hailey puts a hand on my shoulder to stop my pacing. "Harry probably has your phone. He also has a private jet. He can fly you home. And I can come with you."

Smile for the Camera (Harry Styles x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora