Marisa: "Sorry I'm late. My mom decided to lecture me before I left."

Nene: "its fine- come on guys were gonna be late!" I felt Keith tense up at the thought of Marisa being here. Darrell looked honestly worried that Marisa was gonna do something so he stayed rather close to Keith. We sat down at our table. Again Keith was between me and Darrell while Nene was on the other side with Marisa. I put my hand on Keith's thigh as it was shaking, it slowly stopped. We ordered something to eat, of course u had to order for Keith since he was scared to say anything.

Nene: "So puppy you gonna tell us what happened last night~"

Keith: "oh god.." his face turned red as he smiled in embarrassment. "It was honestly just..normal uh-"

Pico: "Sex. Normal Sex Keith you can just say it- sex~"

Keith: "no ew- stop saying it-"

Nene: "Sexxx~"

Keith: "stop."

Darrell: "Sex"

Keith: "Stop!"

Pico: "Sex~"

Keith: "Shut up!" He put his head down in embarrassment.

-everyone laughing except Marisa-

Marisa: "What are you guys talking about???"

Nene: "P-Pico and Keith did the Dirty last night- HAHA!" She couldn't stop laughing.

Marisa: "...they did. What." She looked directly at Keith and I could feel his heart drop. Darrell quickly had a come back before I started saying something I might regret.

Darrell: "They had a constentual activity that people in relationships do when they are ready. They do it to show they trust each other with one and others bodies and needs. They also do it to show how much they love each other, and how much they are willing to do for one and other. If you have a problem with it, the exit isn't that far of a walk...bitch." Marisa, Nene, Keith, and I fell silent. Darrell hardly ever cusses and to here him say all of that was a shock. He really does care about me..

Nene: "heh- yeah bitch" Nene said in a little girl voice. Keith looked up at Darrell and smiled and Darrell returned it with a smile as well. We were all talking and eating until Keith just stopped moving. He was holding his breath, and his eyes were wide open. Then some bigger dude came over to our table and grabbed Keith's arm.

Robert (Keith's dad): " You're coming with me you little shit!"

Keith: "Dad! Let- GO!" he struggled to get out of his grip.

Darrell: "Let him go!" Darrell grabbed the older man's arm and twisted it around so he was forced to let go. Keith fell to the ground and got up and started running away- Nene chased him and Marisa chased Nene.

Robert: "FUCK! LITTLE SHIT-" he punched Darrell and that's what ticked me off. Darrell fell to the ground..bleeding from his nose..

Robert: "Stupid little shits.." I walked up behind him and kicked his knees in. He fell to the ground as I stood ontop of him. He opened his eyes and..-

Pico: "Suprise motherfucker."


I was running faster than I had ever ran before. Even though it hurt. I ran all over the mall while Nene and Marisa were chasing me. I ran inside the men's bathroom to hid from my dad..

Marisa: " Welp. That's to bad" she said walking away.

Nene: "OH HELL NAH. -Runs inside bathroom- IM A LESBIAN SHUT UP." a bunch of boys ran out the bathroom. I was in the stall with the door locked.


Nene: "AND SO IS DICK. BUT YOU STILL EAT IT."  She ran to my stall and put her ear against the door "Keith! What happened?! Who was that?! Are you okay?! Please come out the stall before I get arrested-"

Keith: "I can't I won't he wasn't supposed to be here how did he fine me.." I was tearing up. Nene got on the ground and went underneath the stall to get it.

Nene: "look Puppy boy we aren't close. But you sure as hell make Pico happy- happiest I've ever seen him. So I consider you a friend, so pleasure tell me what the hell is going on.." Nene has never talked like this before. She usually just makes a joke about any situation.

Keith: " see-"




Darrell: "This is insane Pick! You didn't have to start a fist fight in a restaurant!"

Pico: "HE STARTED IT WITH HITTING YOU" the whole restaurant was fighting one an other, throwing beer bottles, plates, food, the tables were flipped, I think I even heard someone yell gun or fire. Me and Darrell were behind a table while Robert was looking for us in the commotion. "Keith! Where did Keith run off to?!"

Darrell: "Like I would know?! I think he ran off with Nene and Mia!?" A beer bottle was thrown at the table, I picked up a plate and threw it at the man who threw the bottle.

Pico: "EAT SHIT- Anyways what do we do?! The cops are gonna be here any second!"

Darrell: "Let's break for it!" He held out his hand for me- "You said bestfriends hold hands right..?" He said smirking.

Pico: "...fuck yeah they do." I grabbed his hand and we both ran out of the restaurant dodging and jumping over things. We got outside and we say the cop cars- we quickly ran back into the mall. Everyone was screaming and running around the mall in fear. "WE NEED TO FIND THE OTHERS"

Darrell: "YEAH- WE NEED T-" Darrell fell back into the crowd..I lost him. He let my hand go, I have no idea where he went. I ran around looking for all 4 of them now. Until just about everyone was outside the mall. I was running in an empty mall looking for them...until-

Police officer 1: "FREEZ. HANDS UP IN THE AIR KID."...fuck..I put my hands I the air and he came over and put them behind my head, then behind my back, and walked me to the exit.

Police officer 2: "no need to be so ruff. He was just running probably looking for someone. Is there a reason your face is so beat kid? Did someone hurt you in the restaurant?" My face was dripping with blood from the beer bottles. My fists were bruised. My nose was bloody and bruised as well.

Pico: "Yeah..I was in the restaurant when the fight happened.." I said quietly "I'm looking for my friends they ran off.."

Police officer 2: "Okay..well we have to take you outside okay? We'll fix you up." I got outside and the sun hit my face. Causing the cuts to burn of my face. They sat me in an ambulance truck, and cleaned me up.

Darrell: "Pick! Hey!" He ran up to the truck, he had bandages on his cheek where Robert first hit him.

Pico: "D!..have you found the others?"

Darrell: "Sad to say no.." We saw Robert and he was walk up to us. Looked like he was gonna kill us.

Robert: "YOU LITTLE SHIT- DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?!" He picked me up by my shirt and lifted me off the ground.

Pico: "how did you know?" I said struggling to breath.

Police officer 1: "SIR PUT THE KID DOWN. NOW" He said pulling out his gun and pointing it at him. The other officers got everyone out of the way and made space between us..and the crowd. They even made Darrell move back.

Robert: "SHUT UP-" He raised his fist to punch me-

Police: "SIR I WILL SHOO-"

Keith: "dad."

WORDS: 1880

•The School Failure•..//Pico X Keith//(smut)(15+)(TW GUNS, DRUGS, ECT.)Where stories live. Discover now