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We started to drive to the mall, Nene was driving (some how we probably gonna die) and Marisa was in the passenger seat. I was in the back seat with Keith, and Darrell. Keith was between us but he was sitting closer to me, I could tell he was comfortable with Darrell more than the others...but he would still rather be next to me. We made it to the mall and we all got out of the car walking to the mall.

Nene: "So princess, what are we here for?"

Marisa: "Don't call me princess. And we are here for clothes I need new ones"

Darrell: "didn't you buy more clothes last week.."

Marisa: "SO? I'm tired of those clothes already. I need more."

We started walking around the mall just following Marisa as she walked into 10000 stores. I looked over at Keith and I could tell he was uncomfortable. Marisa kept giving him glares when she thought i wasn't looking. I quickly grab his hand, putting my fingers between his as we were walking. He jumped at first but ended up giving in and held my hand. Marisa was angry but I could care less. Darrell was walking next to me and he whispered to me-

Darrell: "So we gonna like..hold hands bro, I mean if its friend thing?" He said sarcastically joking. I ended up just holding Darrell's hand and he just laughed while Keith was also laughing at the sight.

Nene: "YO. YALL GONNA BE HOLDING HANDS WITHOUT ME. RUDE" she stormed over and grabbed Keith's hand and they began to laugh. "Much better-"

Marisa just looked at us and continued walking with Cage who obviously won't hold our hands he doesn't like being touched. It was getting late and we were getting sleepy. I was caring Keith on my back while walking. He was practically asleep.

Darrell: "Mia its lateee, can we go home? It's 8:00!"

Nene: "Yeah Mia I have to give my dads car back-"

Marisa: "Fine. We can leave now."

Pico: "...is Keith asleep.." I said with a straight face.

Nene: "AWWWWW, the baby is sleepingggg"

Darrell: "Why don't I get piggyback rides hu Pico? AM I NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH FOR YOU? I WANT A DIVORCE."



Keith: "The baby is now awake..."

Pico, Darrell, Nene: "....sorry"

Keith: "it's fine, I wasn't really even sleeping just resting" he layer his head back down on my shoulder and I could fear him breathing on my neck. My face was getting more red every breath he took. We walked back to the car and I carried Keith all the way. He was very light and small. I could crush him. As we sat in the car Keith fell asleep on my shoulder while Darrell fell asleep on the other shoulder. I didn't mind Darrell sleeping we are practically brothers at this point. But Keith sleeping on me made me all giddy like a girl, and Nene was quick to say something.

Nene: "What are you all smiley about hu?" She said looking in the review mirror.

Pico: "N-..nothing!"

Nene: "Yeah I'm sure its nothing.." she said smiling. We stopped by Darrell's house first and dropped him off. The we went to my house down the street-

Pico whispering: "You wanna stay over..?"

Keith: "mmm..Sure, just don't kill me in my sleep"

•The School Failure•..//Pico X Keith//(smut)(15+)(TW GUNS, DRUGS, ECT.)Where stories live. Discover now