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I got up for school earlier than usual. School starts at 8:30...its 5:30..whatever. I get up and walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I haven't look at myself in a while- I didn't even recognize myself anymore. I brushed my teeth and then looked over at the shower. I haven't showered in a while, I just dont want to..but I did anyways. The feeling of warm water on me reminds me of Keith. I got and dried myself off and looked at my hair in the mirror. It was all in my face I couldn't see anything. I dried it and then saw my moms blow dryer- I I turned it on and actually fixed my hair correctly. Its longer than I remember. I then got dressed. I put on the white button up shirt- and my tie..I could tie it though..no one thought me how. So I just left it around my neck- I put on my black pants and the navy dark blue over coat that your super to wear but I never wear. Then my red shoes. I walk to the kitchen..its only 7? I have 1 hour and 30 minutes..I walked into the kitchen and open the fridge. I started attempting breakfast for my mom who never has time to eat.

Ophelia: "Pico..? Your up early-..what are you doing?" She looked at me with a confused smile. I turned around and she saw me actually looking decent for school. She smiled and walked over to me and kissed my forehead. "You look like a king son.."

Pico: "and your the Queen- now sit down I actually made you breakfast"

Ophelia: "..you..what? You made breakfast..?" She said sitting down. "How long have you been awake??"

Pico: "since 5:30- I wasn't tired" I placed a plate infront of her and sat down infront of her. I wasn't eating. I wasn't hungry..

Ophelia: "..you..you actually made breakfast wow..its better than I've ever been able to do! Hah!" She was happy..she was smiling..I haven't seen her smile like that in a while. I missed it.."what about you? Your not gonna eat?"

Pico: "hu? Oh- no no I already ate earlier" I was lying- I didn't eat at all but I never eat. So its pretty normal for me. We both sat there talking while she ate. She then got up and kissed my cheek and thanked me for the food and headed off to work. It was only 7:45..but I started heading off to school anyways. I got my skin and began off to school, I died see Keith and his friends because it was early. By the time I got there it was 8:10..20 minutes until school started. I open the front doors and walk to the Cafeteria. I see my friends sitting there already, they get here at like 8 in the morning..I start walking towards them and they all looked at me when I sat down.

Nene: "...did we miss something??"

Cage: "we left you alone for 1 day dude.."

Marisa: "are you actually- wearing the uniform?"

Everyone staring at Pico

Darrell: "you guess are assholes. You look great Pick. I like this look dude"

Pico: "Heh..thanks D" I said fist bumping him. Darrell has been my friend since I was 9. Nene, Marisa, and Cage I met in 9th grade.

Marisa: "so were not gonna ask?? Okay then whatever."

Cage: "Shut up Marisa."

While everyone was talking I looked over at Keith's table..him and his friends were laughing able something on his phone. The bell rang and we started heading to our classes. First class flew by- the 2nd 3rd 4th..until lunch time came around, we were all walking to lunch and I was to busy talking to Darrell to recognize were I was going. I ended up bumping into someone.

Pico: "fuck- watch were your..g-..going.."

Keith: "ow..s-sorry" he knew we weren't supposed to be nice to eachother at school. It was an accident he wasn't looking either but all my friends were watching me.

Pico: "I-..uh-..W-..Kei-" I was studdering bad. I could get works out of my mouth. I didn't want to be mean but I didn't want my friends to know anything-

Keith: "I'm sorry..here I'll fix it for you-" he began putting his hands on my chest to fix my tie. I guess he thought he accidentally untied it..my friends were watching my face turn red while he tied it back. My hands were shaking again. I wasn't breathing the whole time he was fixing it.

Keith: "there! Fixed- sorry for running into you.." he walked away to his table with his friends that were looking at him. My face was beat red and my hands were shaking I finally started breathing again..

Darrell: "...youu..okay pick?"

Pico: "Y-yeah..yeah..i-..I'm okay.." I walked over to my table with my hands in my pocket still shaking a little. I sat down while my friends followed.

Nene: "so um...what the hell was that?"

Darrell: "Nene!"

Marisa: "shes just asking Darrell! And honestly I wanna know to what was that?? You just stood there? Why didn't you beat him or threaten him or something?!"

Pico: "I-.." I was starting to tear up but I wouldn't let the tears fall. I just looked down and scooted closer to Darrell..I felt safer with him than with Marisa or Nene..

Darrell: "Guys. Let's not throw 1000 question at him. Just leave him alone right now okay? Okay." Darrell was the only one who had ever seen me really cry. He knew when I wanted to be left alone or when I wanted to just be quiet and keep to myself.

Marisa: "..okay. fine. Whatever." She crossed her arms and faced away from me to look at Nene and Cage. They were all talking while I was trying not to cry.

•The School Failure•..//Pico X Keith//(smut)(15+)(TW GUNS, DRUGS, ECT.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu