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We were in last period and Keith was sitting in front of me. I couldn't get his attention, he just ignored me the whole class. After class he quickly got up and left, I followed him. He looked behind him and saw me so he started running away...guess he forgot I technically beat him in our race, I slowed down only so he could show me his house. I started running after him. We were running all over the school halls until no one was left in them. He ran down one hall and had a pass way through the janitors closet. So I ran through that. I quickly opened the door on the other side and pulled him in slamming the door behind him.

Pico: "why the hell didn't you talk to me all day?!"


Pico: "Okay! Okay we don't have to yell!"

Keith: "Really?? Because right now it looks like your gonna beat my ass like you did me  and my friends 6 months ago?! Why else would be in a closet?!"

//editor's note: maybe because yall closeted homosexuals. We will never know-🚶‍♀️//

Pico: "Because you were running away from me when I was trying to apologize!"

Keith: "Well then you're really bad at apologies.." he said crossing his arms and looking away.

Pico: "Yes... I know but. Keith I'm sorry" I put my hand on his shoulders "I shouldn't have blown up on you like that I'm sorry.." I was tearing up at the fact he wasn't looking at me.

Keith: "...Your slap was weak you need to work on it" he looked at me with a sarcastic straight face. I smiled a bit in relief he wasn't mad.

Pico: "Yeah.. I should have beat you right then and there maybe?" He slowly walked backwards to the wall as I followed in front of him.

Keith: "To be honest..you should have just killed me man." I had him practically pinned against the wall. He smirked and put his arms around my neck. My face was getting red as his was as well, but he played it off. "Should have just ended my suffering...you'd be my hero"

Pico: "Your hero?..oh really..I'm not already?" I said put my forehead against his.

Keith: "Maybe..let's find out-" I quickly kissed and as he did the same. It was supposed to be just a kiss...but that turned into a make out session. My hands were on his waist while I was grinding up against him. His hands were around my neck as he left out slightly breaths to show he was enjoying himself. I pressed my tongue through and he allowed me entry. My pants tighten and he could feel it. As his did as well he stopped and looked up at me. "Hey you should come over today hu?" He said laying on my chest and looking up at me.

Pico: "Maybe I will.." I said smiling to tease him. "But no really we should get out school let out 20 minutes ago." We walked out the janitors closet and made our way to the front, I was holding his hand.

Darrell: "Hey guys! see yall finally made up- but uhh..what..took..you sooo...long?"

Pico: "I- uh..well I- uh haha..-"

Keith: "I was running away so he had to chase me but he ended up pulling me into the janitors closet and he beat me up and forced me to be friends with him. Tragic but true story.." he said looking at me with a smirk.

Pico: "...well thats not all that happened but that was probably close!" Darrell started laughing and so did Nene. They walked over and started talking to Keith, just getting to know this stranger a little better like me. Then I saw Marisa dead staring at me while hugging on Cage who seemed very uncomfortable..

Pico: "uh..can iiii..help you?"

Marisa: "oh no. I'm just hugging on Cage cause its cold." She said was a baby voice "what's wrong..jealous?"

Pico: "no?...why would I be??"

Keith: "wait wait! Pico come here!" He pulled me down and kissed me on the cheek while Nene and Darrell squealed like little girls with excitement. I rubbed my head on his neck, because my face was red and I was smiling like a baby with a new raddel. I looked over to Marisa who was obviously mad.

Pico: "Whats wrong..jealous?" I replied with a bitch of a smile to piss her off. She hugged tighter on Cage and he just took at me with an uncomfortable smile.

Pico: "Hey Cage come here, I gotta show you something on my phone.." I said to him so he could get out of that awkward situation. He walked over to me leaving Marisa behind. Once she was far enough away he whispered to me-

Cage: "thanks..." he doesn't like affection or being touched. When people would bump into him he would usually beat the shut outa them, usually because he was scared if he didn't they would continue bumping into him. Thats were he got his name. Cage. He always feels like he's in a cage and people are just picking and throwing trash at him. Since he was bullied his whole life until he met me. His real name is Austin. But Cage is just the nickname I gave him.

Nene: "I was planning on taking Marisa to the mall because she grounded from her car. Wanna come Pico?" She looked at Keith and smiled "and you if you would like- or..not?" Keith tugged on my sleeve and looked up at me. I nodded to assure him it was alright. He then turned to Nene.

Keith: "I would love to!"

Darrell: "Great! You coming Cage and Pick?"

Pico: "I mean if I don't go Keith's gonna cry" I looked at him with a smirk.

Keith: "More like if I didn't tag along you'd call me in the bathroom crying.." he smirked back. God I love this boy..

Cage: "I have to go. Jts rude to not go when we have a new friend.." he looked down at Keith and smiled a bit. Keith smiled back and laughed little.


Marisa: "YOU DONT HAVE TO YELL AT ME NENE. And yes I'm going idiot." She walked over to us. As she did I noticed Keith scoot closer to me..like he was actually a little frightened.

Darrell: "Alright team, to the mall we go!" We started walking to Nene's car her dad gave her. I swear if Marisa does anything to Keith. We'll be driving to the hospital instead..


WORDS: 1146


•The School Failure•..//Pico X Keith//(smut)(15+)(TW GUNS, DRUGS, ECT.)Where stories live. Discover now