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"We'll be back in a second" the black haired boy says leading osamu up the stairs.
"Atsumu your brothers about to fuck someone"'tanka says laughing. Atsumu looks disgusted
"I hope not" he says
"Well okay let's continue the game and try to forgot what's happening upstairs in my bathroom" oikawa says reaching into the jar "Next up in the closet of 'let's fuck' is noya!" The brown haired setter says.

"And in there with him is.....oh Jesus!" Oikawa says putting down the paper.
"For the last time don't call me that" asahi says standing up.
"It's not my fault you look like Jesus" oikawa replies with a smirk. Asahi just ignores him and goes into the closet with noya.
"Don't do anything unholy" oikawa says as he shuts the door.

Noya POV

I'm thinking this was a bad idea, I mean like this good go well or it could go bad. Compared to asahi I'm really small and it's a really cramped space.
"So uh are you having fun tonight?" The older male asks, this is small talk and I don't like it.
"Uh yeah it's pretty fun, especially with osamu and suna haha they're fucking" I say trying to break the tension. I think it just made it more awkward though.

"Hey asahi?" I say and starting to play with my fingers.
"Yeah noya?" He says looking down at me.
"Uh do you have a crush?"
"Uh i guess yes, why?" Ouch that hurt.
"Well tell my about her!" I say trying to sound excited.
"Well actually they're a he..." asahi says in a quiet voice. A he? So he's gay that gives me a chance!

"Why aren't you asking me about if I have a crush?" I ask looking up at him.
"Well uh it's obvious you like kiyoko" oh yeah I forgot about that
"I don't really like her, I just pretend I do because tanka does" I say nervously "I have a crush on a boy actually"

"Wait really?!" The taller male says with some excitement in his voice.
"Yeah haha" I scratch the back of my neck
"Can you tell me about him?" Asahi asks shifting a little bit.
"Okay yeah" should I describe him?

Asahi POV

He likes boys too? That gives me a chance right? I mean I know he has a crush and I don't have that long before I graduate but I still have a chance. Better then nothing.
"He Um is tall?" Noya says with a little awkward chuckle "He is a really sweet guy but he looks mean" who could that be? Maybe he goes to a different school?.

"He is a third year and plays volleyball ball" maybe atsumu? Or bokuto? Are they third years?
"He he is in our team and has long hair" my train of thought stops. Wait is he describing me, I'm the only third year with long hair
"He's standing right in front of me, looking really confused too haha" Noya says laughing.

"Y-you like me?" I stutter out,
"No I like some other person that's tall and in this closet with us" Noya says poking my stomach.
"Um well I like you too" i say with a red face.
"Wait?! Really!!" Noya starts jumping up and down with a big grin on his face.
"Yes?" I say trying to calm him down.

The closet door opens and as soon as it opens Noya shouts at tanka
"Hey tanka, he likes me back!!" My face turns red immediately.
"That means you confessed bro! Good job!!" Tanka says standing up and high fives nishi
"You finally manned up huh Asahi?" Daichi says smirking at me.
"Asahi!!" Noya says turning back to me still with a big grin.

"Uh yes?" I say my face still red
"Does this mean your my boyfriend now?" Noya says grabbing my arm and jumping up and down once again.
"Uh yeah I guess?" I smile at him, he's so cute when he's like this
"Yay! Hey guys Asahis my boyfriend!" The small boys says
"Yeah we figured that out" Kurro says.
"Hehe" Noya giggles "Come on let's sit down Asahi" he says pulling me

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