chapter 19

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The world continues to turn on its axis, despite the fact that everything feels a little unsteady now that Thomas is back. They can’t quite ignore him; Harry reports that Thomas makes small talk with him before every class and insists taking the desk next to his own. They try very hard to ignore him anyway.

Harry copes by seeking comfort from Louis, by turning to him like a flower to the sun, seeking any small trickle of affection he might be afforded. Louis copes by providing a flood. He can’t control whether there are negative presences in Harry’s life, as much as he’d like to be able to. He can, however, make sure that the good far outweighs the bad.

He isn’t alone in the endeavor- Liam and Niall are now almost as protective of Harry as Zayn is, and the three of them rally around him in their unique little ways to make sure he feels loved and supported. Harry insists that he’s fine. They form a safety net anyways.

But still, the one Harry really leans on is Louis. It’s always been Louis.

“You’re the best,” Louis is informed one day, a few weeks after Thomas rears his ugly head. They’ve been together for over a month and Harry won’t quit saying stuff like that. Louis also hasn’t quit enjoying it.

“Am I?” he pretends to be shocked. “Why, whatever for?”

“I dunno. Reasons. And stuff.”

“Not my dashing good looks, then?”

“I mean, I guess you’re alright.”

“My rapier wit?”

“I wouldn’t say rapier, but.”

“My awe-inspiring intellect, then, surely.”

“We could go with that if it makes you feel better.” Harry leans forward, bright-eyed, to give Louis a peck on the lips. “You know, you’re pretty when you pout.” He kisses Louis again, longer this time, just for good measure.

When he tries to pull back, Louis moves with him and makes a small noise of protest. “Come back here, I’m not done with you,” he insists, and Harry complies. Of course he complies- he always loves kissing Louis, no matter the time or the mood he’s in. The thought makes Louis smile into the kiss. “You know, you’re hot when you try to be an asshole but fail miserably,” he teases right back.

For long minutes, they just enjoy the feel of each other’s kisses. Somewhere along the line of growing up and having adventures, Louis had forgotten how nice it was just to have soft lips on his own, slotting together and sucking and biting in an unassuming way. With Harry, though, he remembered. He let himself focus on the sensations caused by Harry’s mouth and just get lost in it.

It wasn’t long, though, before Louis’ cheeks were flushed and his heart racing. “Hey Harry?” he murmurs.

“Mmm?” Harry barely breaks the kiss to reply.

“Do you, um, want to move to the bed?”

Louis expected it to be a monumental question, because it certainly felt momentous to him. But Harry only seemed bothered insofar as he had to pause his assault on Louis’ mouth long enough to reply, “Okay.”

It’s too easy. “Seriously, Harry,” Louis insists, tugging a lock of Harry’s hair to get his attention. Apparently Harry’s into that, because he just starts kissing Louis harder. Louis tries again. “Do you want to go to the bed? Give me truths.”

“Yes, Louis, I do. Truth. I promise,” Harry sighs, a little exasperated, and starts inching off the couch, tugging Louis along and never halting the flow of kisses. When they reach the bed, it is with the gentlest of hands that he guides Louis to lie back on the mattress. Just as gently, Harry moves to hover over him, hands on either side of Louis’ head and knees on either side of his hips.

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