chapter 4

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It was impossible not to see how soft Louis really was when he jumped at the chance to babysit for his cousin Lou when she texted him the next weekend. He might be having the tiniest bit of withdrawals after not seeing his sisters since the start of semester; when he’s home he gets to shower them with attention and affection, and when he’s at school their absence makes him feel the tiniest bit lost. So the opportunity to love on little Lux? Not one that he would, or could, pass up.

Niall and Liam tag along, partially because they had nothing better to do and partially because they were (almost) as enamored with Lux as Louis was. A lot of the time they would spend holiday weekends in Doncaster with him, since Ireland was a long trip and Wolverhampton was never as exciting as a weekend with the Tomlinsons. So Lou was used to seeing the boys altogether, and after all, surely three sets of clumsy hands were better than one mischievous pair?

As soon as they were in the door, Lux was toddling over and cementing herself to Louis’ leg with an ear-splitting shriek of joy. “Hey munchkin,” Louis laughed, bending over double to kiss the top of her head and earning a mouthful of wispy blonde hair in the process. “How are you? Been good for your mum, love?”

“About as good as you ever were for yours,” Lou snorted from a few steps behind. “She’s two, so she’s into absolutely everything. Watch out for the silverware, she likes to take the forks and hide them around the house.”

“Yeah, Daisy had a phase with that, too. Except it was with keys. Shiny objects, I guess?” laughed Louis as Lux released him to move on to ‘Uncle Ni’ and ‘Uncle Li.’

“I guess so,” Lou shrugged as she pulled on her boots. “There’s chicken nuggets in the freezer that she’ll eat, if you can manage not to burn the house down. And no juice after 6, only water. Try to have her in bed by 8, but you can stretch her out to 8:30 if she’s wired, yeah?”

“Are you running out on us already?” Niall asked, clutching his chest dramatically. “You’re breaking my heart, Lou. Barely even got to see your beautiful face.”

It only results in an eye roll from Lou. “Stop flirting with me, Horan, I’m married and a mum. And yeah, I’ve really got to be going. Tom’s been at the restaurant fifteen minutes already, he made the reservation too early. Anyways, we’re just doing dinner and a movie so we won’t be past midnight, yeah?”

“I think we’ve got it covered,” Liam snickers as he tosses Lux over his shoulder to a chorus of giggles. “You’ll be good, right babe? Or else we’ll just have to tickle you to death.”

Lux is squealing ever-louder at Liam’s little tickles when Lou delivers kisses to each of their cheeks and rushes out the door. When she’s finally released, she stands before Louis and tugs on his pocket. “Unkin Lou?”

“Yes, sweetheart?”

“Can we play dwess up like last time?”

The other boys burst into laughter as Louis sighs. One time you agree to put on a tutu in order to stop the waterworks, and the kid never lets you forget it… “What are we going to dress up as today, Lux? Doctors? Cowboys?”

“No, pwincesses!” Lux declares, taking hold of Louis’ hand.

Louis just lets it happen with a resigned smile and an over-the-shoulder finger at his mates. “Wouldn’t have it any other way, love.”

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