Chapter Fifteen

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A/n- so sorry i havent been updating ive been so busy with school and work that i didnt have time to write properly. 

Harry's pov
We arrived back at our House. We walked in the door Maya went upstairs to take a shower and change her clothes. I made some eggs then walked upstairs Maya was getting dressed and was wincing  a bit. what wrong Babe i ask hugging her from behind resting my chin in her shoulder, just my back aches a bit i'll be fine she said turning around and kissing me. 

Maya's pov 
here harry said , he Laid me down on my stomach and starting massaging my back. I groaned Harry i'm fine i said trying to get up but he pushed my back down. Just relax Maya he said and i did. 

After awhile i half fell asleep. I felt Harry pick me up gently and lay me on him , i smiled and snuggled into him wrapping my arms around him. 

A/n- sorry its short i wanna try to update all my stories today so i making short chapters for each 

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