"But you know that she steal it, why don't you tell your dad?" She was confused

"Uhm...because it wouldn't turn out pretty for her, and I don't want to see when that happens" he shrugged, hoping that for once she doesn't asks more

"Okay, let the game begin" the girl excitedly parted ways to search for the golden ring

Also the boy was searching for it, but he had an advantage, he knew all the housekeeper hiding places

After what felt like hours the boy finally found the ring

'I did it!' He thought excitedly

He know went searching for the girl and found her sitting on the garden, admiring the roses

"I won, I found the ring!" He told her excitedly

"Good" she smiled at him

"What? Why aren't you playing?" He is confused

"It took a lot of time and I got bored, so I stopped playing" she explains

This girl is really something else, the boy thinks

"This means I won, now tell me your name" she glared at him, his bossy attitude isn't of her liking

He noticed it and sighed

"Please?" He tried to be more gentle

"Don't you get it, we don't know who we really are, we can be anyone we want right now, it's so fun" she smiled and the little boy was completely mesmerized by her

"You mean I can be iron man?" The little boy said excited, his dad usually told him he couldn't be a superhero even though he wanted, why? Because that little boy would be the villain of the world, not the superhero, or that's what his dad always said to him

"No silly" the cute girl laughed "we have to create our own persona, it can't be a copy of something that already exists, c'mon you have to be original" she explains

He was angry, he wanted to be iron man, why can't he?

"Oh yeah, and who are you then? Miss I order around?" The little boy showed his clearly discomfort of her bossing him around

"Easy, I'm Iris" she smiled once more

"Iris? Why?" The boy was now curious, he never heard of a superhero called Iris or anyone that could be that important with that name

"Because in Greek it means the goddess of rainbows, and I love rainbows, and I'm a goddess" playfully the little girl explains

"How do you know that?" The boy mind was blown to know that she new interesting facts like that one, where did she learned that? Is it possible for her to be more smart than him?

"In a book I read it" she shrugged "I love reading books"

"You read?" He was shocked to say the least, she was 5, almost 6 like him, And she already read that kind of stuff

"Yes, is that a problem?" She said challenging him and he quickly shook his head no

"No, Jesus calm down" the boy surrendered

"Not even Jesus will help you if you insult any of my books" she pointed at him and then proceed to left the garden

And he was alone again

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