Part 15

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Sakura's POV

I stood in front of naruto holding my kunai in my hand. He's protected me many of times and now it's my turn to return the favor!

Hinata: I'd stay out the way if I were you

Sakura: no way am I letting you hurt him!

Hinata: what's a useless bitch like you gonna do

Sakura: protect my comrade!

Hinata: you mean try

Sakura: no I mean I will! Naruto go get help and let everyone know there are many leaf ninja's heading towards the kazekage's residence

Naruto: be careful sakura!

Sakura: I will

I charge at hinata giving naruto time to flee. I try to punch her but miss!

Hinata: see can't even lay a hand on me

Sakura: why are you doing this! Don't you want him to be happy!

Hinata: I do, but I want him to be happy with me!

She tries to hit me but I doge throwing my hand at her unfortunately missing damaging the wall and my hand.

I look up to see her right in front of me with her beautiful long hair and eyes.

I stood up holding my kunai up. We both attacked each other doing all we could to stop the fight left in each other. After a minute She attacked me hitting my vital spot causing me to fall and wince in pain.

I have to stop her, I can't let her get naruto! Fuck! What do I do?

Sakura: if you were in his position how would you feel!

Hinata: I wouldn't care!

Sakura: your wrong! Hinata your too much of a sweet person to not care.

Hinata: and how do you know that!

Sakura: because.....

Hinata: how!

Sakura: because I acknowledged you a long time ago and realized how much of a sweet and passionate person you were

Hinata: w-what

Sakura: I've looked at you, admiring how strong you are

She just stood there looking at me with a shocked face. So I decided to continue.

Sakura: I...I would stare at you from afar loving...loving everything that you do and most importantly....

I stopped talking to think about what I was gonna say. I'm most likely going to regret this but here goes nothing..........

Naruto's POV

I ran towards the kazegake's residence running into the room I slept in. When I got there two ninja's were holding sasuke on the floor with a kunai to his throat.

I ran over to them, grabbing one of them throwing them off him. I then kick the other one causing both of us to cry out in pain.

Shit! That hurt! Now I know my legs are still Abit sore. Well at least I got them off sasuke.

Naruto: sasuke you okay

Sasuke: you idiot what the hell are you doing out of bed!

Naruto: saving your ass now help me

I get up standing behind sasuke since I don't have no kunai's. The only thing I could do right now is watch.

Naruto: ouch! Eek!

A kunai heads my way almost hitting me until I moved out the way. I grabbed the kunai out the wall about to throw it until I was lifted off the ground by sand.

Garra: why is he out of bed

Sasuke: I don't know

Naruto: hey let me down I'm perfectly fine!

Lee: HAYA!

Garra: nice one babe now come on

Naruto: I can walk!

Sasuke: just sit there and be quite dobe!

I swear I hate it when they do this! I can walk! Did they not see me help sasuke! Well I mean garra and lee didn't but sasuke knows.

Oh shit, that reminds me! I have to tell them about hinata and sakura!

Naruto: sakura and hinata are battling on the wall!

Lee: what!

Garra: there women they'll handle it

Sasuke: I'd send Temari if I were you

Garra: fine! Lee go get Temari to the wall and fast but make sure u come straight to me after

Lee: okay!

Garra: sasuke you go make sure everyone is up and tell them to meet up with us at the wall!

Sasuke: why can't- nevermind!

Naruto: wai- (sigh) why did you make him leave

Garra: there are many of reasons

Naruto: Wah? Well, where are we going?

Garra: where going to summon someone

Naruto: who

Garra: you'll find out later

Why do I always get left out of things!

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