Part 12

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Naruto POV

I woke up laying in a bed....alone. realizing I was alone I opened my eyes wondering where I was......I was in a room. The room was dark....I wanted sasuke. I looked around for a bathroom but couldn't find one.....I started hearing kurama's voice.....

Hey kid


You should go back to sleep


It'll help those wounds heal faster

I doubt that

There almost healed fully, if you go to sleep it'l-

I'm not going back to bed without sasuke

(Sighs) fine

What a butthole! Hearing a door open brung me out of my thoughts causing me to look up

Sasuke: your awake

Naruto: where were you

Sasuke: that's hungry?

Naruto: hmf that's classified

Sasuke: fine then

Naruto: NO WAIT!

Sasuke turned around facing me. He had a stupid smirk on his face.

Naruto: I want some ramen

Sasuke: of course your majesty

Naruto: I am a king!

Sasuke: your more like a queen

Naruto: no I'm not

Sasuke: wound me..

Naruto: how? I'm the one who should be hurt

Sasuke: (mumble) your my queen baka...nevermind

I'm curious.....he mumbled something but I don't know what it was? I was going to call for him but garra walked in....with a hicky!

Garra: I see your awake

Naruto: oop lee got him some didn't he

I bust out laughing as his face went red.

Garra: quite

Naruto: you know I'm just playing with you, anyway where am I

Garra: your in the kazekage's mansion

Naruto: oh.....what's going on

Garra: well I've hired guards to watch over you and sent some to other villages to tell about the news

Naruto: how would they believe you when I'm "the hero of the hidden leaf village and everybody loves me"

Garra: I have evidence

Naruto: and how so

Garra: your my evidence anyway how are things with you and sasuke

Naruto: huh? Oh!

I blushed realizing what he meant...

Naruto: w-well he said he loved me

Garra: when you stop hurting remember that you've just gotten cured so he needs to be gentle

Naruto: what?

Garra: just think about it

He walked out leaving me to think about what he said. What did he mean by that? Anything can go wrong? Hm.....OH SHIT!!!!! Right when I figured out what he meant sasuke walked in. I looked at his confused expression as he set my food on the nightstand beside the bed.

Sasuke: what's wrong with you?

Naruto: nothing!

Sasuke: Hn...I don't really feel like dealing with you today so if you go back to sleep after eating that would be nice

What an asshole! Though I don't think me and sasuke will ever do that. Anyway I looked at the food on the nightstand to see my favorite ramen!

Naruto: thanks teme

Sasuke: anytime dobe

After I finished most of my food I sat on the bed questioning myself If I should ask him, what garra said was still on my mind.

Naruto: hey sasuke

Sasuke: Hn

Naruto: u-um....

I'm gonna regret this but, here goes nothing!

Naruto: w-will m-me.......will me and you ever have sex!

I watched his confused face change into a surprise one. I sat there on the bed feeling embarrassed for asking. Of course we won't!

Sasuke: maybe when your healed

W-wah! I didn't expect him to say that!

Naruto: r-really!

Sasuke: sure

Hurt? No, War!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat