Dumbledore and Cornelius start leading the way and we follow behind them. Along the way you could hear the girls sniffing but I try my best to just ignore it.

While we're walking out into the field I think about some of the memories I had with each of them. Andrew didn't deserve this, Jackson just wanted to save Ashley, and Ashley just wanted to save all of us.

Some part of me felt relieved that my sister and I ended up having a good bond and were no longer on bad terms.

The day is foggy, not a cold foggy day. But its pretty dense and I think it was just right since it matched everyone's mood. As we got closer to the area the ceremony would take place the more I left a knot tighten in my throat.

There's a lot of people, many from the illusion society, a couple students from each house, our professors, and a couple of other people I didn't recognize.

Once we place the caskets down we all take a seat. I took a seat between my sister Cara and Serenity, both of these ladies have helped me throughout these past few days. I lean into Serenity, "I don't recognize many people." I whispered into her ear.

Serenity leans into my ear, "That's because those people use to be in the society and just came to pay their respects and also the majority of Noah's family came, including the Weasley family." I turn around and take a look at the back were the people I didn't recognize were.

I turn around and hold onto Cara's hand. Cara gives me a small smile and leans in, "Mother is here." Cara point the the other side and there my Mother sends us a small smile.

The ceremony begins, it starts off with Dumbledore sharing a couple words about when we first all got here. After that I just zoned out, I could hear people going up and talking. But I just couldn't bring myself to listen because I didn't want to cry.

The only ones I paid attention to was Axel, August,Matteo, George and Theodore's speech about my siblings. During those moments I simply gave up and cried quietly.

The last person to go up is Draco. He looks terrible as if he hasn't slept in days. His eyes land on me and then back at the others. Draco looks down to open his paper and begins his speech.

Draco POV:

I open my piece of paper and when I spoke up to present myself I noticed how shaky my voice was. Not because I was scared of talk in-front of every but because I don't think I could say all the things on this letter. "Ashley was a great friend and sister to all of us." I stop to take a deep breath. "I still remember the first time we met, gosh she was really intimating." People in the crowd laughed a little. "You guys think it's funny but it's actually scary." I got a couple more laughs from the crowd.

"But she did everything she could to see her siblings happy. She even went against her Father for them. For that is why I'm giving my respects to her because not many of us here can stand up to our parents." I took a moment for myself to think that I wish I was as brave as her to stand up to my father. "She it all for them because her siblings meant everything to her and the love of her siblings was all she ever wanted. As all siblings they have their hard times but eventually come around. Lucky for you guys you were able to come around just in time."

A knot was getting tighter in my throat and I thought that in any moment I could cry. But I took a moment to just breath. "One of my most biggest regrets was letting her go because I was scared. I knew I had an amazing girl in front of me but I just didn't know how to value her. But I hope that she forgives me for that. Until then this is not a good bye but a see you soon." My eyes began to get watery and I quickly went back to my seat.

Pansy hooked her arm with mine and we eventually cried together. The knot in my throat was finally gone.

We are all told to get up and walk to the edge. So we all do what we're told. Down at the bottom we see a couple of people from the illusion society push a boat of flower beds, each boat had the initials of Jackson, Ashley, Andrew and Noah.

"Usque sagittis!."Someone from behind yells.

We all turn back and see Serenity, Owen and the whole society group with bow and arrows. Each arrow was on fire pointing towards the air.

"Ignis!." Serenity yelled and the arrows flew over us.

I look back at the water and see the arrows fall on each boat and every single one of them lit up on fire. It was really beautiful to watch but also very sad that this was our final goodbye.

Everyone starts giving their condolences to Ethan and the rest of his siblings as well with Noah's family. But I stand there watching the boat until I could no longer see it.

I walk back to the castle alone so I can head back to go work on the cabinet. I had three hours before the next ceremony the Slytherins decided to have.

I'm going to fix this cabinet, for my parents and once the war is over I'm getting the hell away from here.

I can't stand being at Hogwarts any longer, everything and everywhere reminds me of her. I don't think I'll ever be over her but I gotta learn to just live with it and carry on with my life.

~~Ashley's POV~~

I'm watching everyone show up to the funeral of my brother, my friend and mine. I can't really hear anything from where I am standing but I see everyone who goes up at talks. Sadly Ethan never stood up to talk and I understand this might be too hard on him. I see almost everyone from school and from the illusion society.

Mary hooks her arm with mine, "My dear you can still change the outcome to this situation right now." For the last few days Mary has wanted me to tell everyone that I'm not dead.

But I refuse to say anything, "Bad guys don't have happy endings Mary." Once Draco takes a seat a couple second later they all get up and go near the cliff. The illusion society raises their bow and arrow each one of the arrows are on fire.

When Serenity gives the signal they all let go and the flames up arrows go flying into the air. "It's time to go Mary."

I look over at her and she nodded.

We apperate back to her apartment. I take off my cloak and hang it on the rack. "Beautiful ceremony dont you think?." Mary yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah it was very beautiful." I said while walking inside. Mary hands me a cup of coffee and toast.

"It would've been more beautiful if you went up and told everyone your not dead." Mary looked over at me from over her shoulder.

I smile at Mary for her stubbornness. "Mary I can't risk them getting hurt anymore. Liam and I had a deal. He would hand over the girls if I turned myself in."

I get up to help Mary wash the last couple of dishes and cups. "Liam thinks Im dead and as long as he thinks that, he won't do anything to my siblings." I hand her over that last plate and walk out of the kitchen. I make my way up the stairs to go to sleep.

I hear Mary run out of the kitchen and yells out a bit angry towards me, "so your just going to let Liam win!."

I turn around and look down at Mary. " Someone once told me that I got learn to accept that I've lost."

Mary shakes her head, "your not the girl I met back in Azkaban."

"Goodnight Mary." I continue walking up the stairs and turn the corner.

I open the door to my room and shut the door behind me. I walk over the window and open it to look at the night sky.I pull up my shirt to see my wound on my abdomen and see that it's nearly closing up.

I close the window and the curtains. I turn on the lamp and change into my pajamas. I miss my siblings and I wish I could be with them during this tough time. I miss my friends and it's probably also not a good moment for them either. But I'm glad that at least I was able to reunite the Parkinson sister. That I was also able to reunite Blaise with his brother Lucas.

I miss Matteo. I don't want to imagine how he must be taking all of this. But I hope that Theodore or Sebastian take good care of him.

I climb into bed and turn of the lamp. I close my eyes and try to sleep. A couple minutes pass by an I just can't seem to stop think about what Mary said earlier. I'm start to think maybe Mary is right. Will I really let Liam win and get away with it.

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