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I Remember when she came to my arms and how her mom was no there how confused i was what they told me

That the girl that they had given me is my girl,my blood,my love

I saw the man the kree leader the man who worked with her mom

Yon:Human,Your danver has been decommissioned and has given birth to a human child

Spider man:No way!

Yon:We traced its other half of dna to you human will you take this child as we cannot afford distraction

Spider carries the baby in his arms and sees it bits of golden hair and its soft skin sound asleep

Spider man:Does the mother know

Yon:unknown but not our problem
*They are leaving*

Spider man Looks at the child sees how soft and cuddle it is

Spider man:I Hope she know and doesn't take you away from me

The child opens its eyes and extends its arms

Spider man sees it bright beautiful blue eyes like stars

Spider man:your beautiful

Baxter building

Reed richard was doing an exam on the child

Reed:Its perfectly healthy and has no know negative effects


Reed:Altough there is some weird radiation in her

Peter:That could be from her mom,Wait..her?

Reed:Where is her mom

Peter:I don't know,She left to space i didn't even know she was pregnant

Reed:Interesting,Who is the mom


Reed:When will she come back

Peter:I don't know she could be back for months

Susan enters

Susan:Peter?What are you doing here
*sees the child*

Peter:The stork came

Susan:Is that yours?

Peter picks the girl up

Susan:Shes beautiful

Peter:Just like her mom,God i feel horrible what if she giving birth got her killed or worse

Reed:Stay calm,you'll figure it out when she comes back but for now she needs you

Peter:I need a better job to take care of her

Reed:you are welcome to work here at the baxter building and we could help you raise her

Peter:Reed...I.....Em not sure

Susan:Peter your family we will help and support you

Peter:well alright i will only do it for her,I now have someone to make the future with
Months later...

Peter finds out that danvers has returned to earth

Peter:Just talk to danver,its not she is gonna kill you for probably ruining her life

Peter goes to the other room and sees danvers kissing war machine

Peter quickly hides and whispers

Peter:oh no please danvers know you have a kid

Carol:Everyone we have an announcement to make ,me and rhodey are dating

Everyone cheers

Peter:No no no danvers remember your child

She hulk:Anything happen those months in to space

Peter:come on remember

Carol:no same old saving the galaxy and doing what i do best

Peter walk away and left

At the baxter building

Peter carrying his daughter

Peter:Im sorry but she doesn't know you exist,But i promise i will never leave you alone

Johnny enters
Johnny:Whats up how alright

Peter:Sorry im just not feeling alright

Johnny:come on what's up

Peter:i saw danvers

Johnny:What she say did she not like her or something

Peter:no she doesn't even know she exist and now is dating war machine
How do you forget your own child?

Johnny:wow...that's hard

Peter:i dont think she even deserves to know her

Johnny:Hey you can do this you had way worse

Peter:As of now my mission is to be in her life i lost my parents but she will not lose me i will be spider man less

Johnny:Does she have a name now

Peter:Yea now she does

Johnny:ill get the others

At the dinner table

Peter:Hello everyone,i saw danvers and well she moved on and didn't know she gave birth so im moving on to and making my daughters future

The thing:thats awesome

Peter:Good now i want you all to say hello to my daughter and our family member
Erika Parker Danvers

Everyone cheers and smiles

Peter began to think all the things he had to do so make his daughter life and the challenges and peter will do it for his daughter his star

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