Chapter Ten : Struggling Man

Start from the beginning

A Few Hours Later.

It had was a bit of a relief that Oswalds mother hadnt been here. She would have slammed the door on Oswald and I. Appareantly, she is more of a uptight woman when it comes to her son dating. But I think it's a bit insane since she should know her son is full grown.

Oswald had given me something to eat, but had pushed me into a bath as soon as I had finished my pasta. He is a good cook, but seemed to be in a rush over something far more important than I. What did I do to him to make him act this way?

Is there something more to this man then just what can be seen?

That's crazy talk because I am clearly I am going crazy. This man is too good and innocent to do anything wrong. Why would the devil even corrupt his soul? He is too perfect and clean to be given a sin.

That still doesnt explain everything that leads up to this point.

Something tells me that he might have seen me more then I had seen him. The things he knows about me, I had never told him. I know it sounds crazy, but it is. Maybe I am too insane today.

Each time I put my head under the water, I am starting to wish I had died when I was nine. Even now, I would end my life with a thin blade to my neck by my own doing. But I can't die anymore, it's too late to die. I will never be able to do that, except to only feel the pain of it.

I kept my head under the water, just so I could soak the water into my body. I wanted to feel the pain of the water going inside . But I know that things are going to be more different now.

When I was nine, my sister and I were beaten badly. My father was so drunk that he had just dumped our bodies in the lake, thinking that we were gone. But something had pulled me out of the water and had saved my sister and my life. I never found out who and why they done it, but they are always going to be in my debt.

We had went home with my mother hugging the two of us tightly, and my father glaring at the two of us who had lived. I known that things were going to get worse from then on.

But if I had to re-live that moment, I would have taken up everything just to let go. If I had known at my age that I was going to be like this, I didnt want anything like this.  Things are the way they are, I need to remember that.

I had closed my eyes for a while. My bath was already over, I just want to let the pain of drowing to sink in. I had to let my body feel the water pull me down to it's level. My heart had began to ache for the air and had wanted to make my head peek up for air. But I had resisted to feel the water .

This was the way I was meant to be.

I had heard the slight mutter of my name under the thick water. My eyes had opened and had pulled out for air. I had breathed and my eyes had met with Oswalds.  He had looked so concerned for me as he had risen a eyebrow.

I had then realised that he is seeing me naked.  I had turned bright red and turned from him, afraid to even look back.  He had seen me in my most vulnerable state.

"What are you doing?" He had said. But there was water still in my ear to make hearing difficult.

"Get out" I had told him.

"I need to know what is going on. This isnt like you. "

"I am doing this for a reason. Oswald, just leave me be ok?" I had slowly began to move my body fully away from him. He had caught my shoulder and had pulled me back to to him, revealing my front side towards him. I was getting really uneasy about this. But there was somthing that had told me to stay and be here with him.

"No, stay" He had said. He went down to his knees and placed his other hand on my cheek." Tell me whats troubling you."

I honestly didnt know where to begin.

"You already know everything.  You have been fallowing me around. What else is there for share?" I asked.

Oswald had shaken his head at me slowly. He had licked his lips at me as his lips parted. He must know that I like him, hes gorgous inside and out. But is he trying to show off his looks?

"I like you Oswald, but you should know what kind of shit I have been going through! I like you , but I am engaged! I can't be with you."

"One man isnt going to seperate us, that is if you only like me"

"I like you, but my betrothed" I had began until he had silenced me by his finger on my lips. Slowly he had glanced at the window.

"Your beauitful, and could have anyone in the world. Why be forced down on a person you never loved" ?

"I have made a deal with him. You should know that I am a demon then"

"I do, but that doesnt matter to me. I have secrets too you know"  He had said. "There are a few things I wish that no one is to ever know. Like you, in some ways I guess that you can say we are perfect for eachother"

"I dont want you to get hurt!" I had warned. He had no idea what kind of trouble he was getting himself into. He shouldnt be doing anything stupid like this.

"I dont want you to get hurt! I honestly have feelings for you Irene." He had said as he came closer to my face and placed his lips on mine.I taken a deep breath and had began to kiss him back. Our lips slowly had met up and began to link kiss after kiss.

They were as soft as I remember when he had kissed me on the cheek. But now they are even more violent when kissing my lips and began to trail down to my neck. He had landed on my jawline and I had moaned slightly from it. Oswald had chuckled knowing that I had gotten weak there.

"You are weak after all "

"Everyone has their weaknesses"

Oswald had stopped when he had heard someone at the door. He had rolled his eyes assuming that it was his mom. He had slowly backed away and had mumbled under his breath.

"I was having fun"

I smiled " So was I"

"Irene, I had to share this secret of my love to you, but only to you. " He had said. " It's safe to say that your not going to say anything right?"

"I won't . " I promised.

"My mom isnt going to like this. Let me tell her when I can say" Oswald had said as he had turned away to let his mother in. But I couldnt help get the feeling that he was smiling over what had just happened.

I am going to tell the truth: so was I.

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