"S hasn't told me either. They said to come find out today, and I wanted to bring you along." She answered. Kiyotacchi got up, and grabbed her hand.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" He exclaimed, leading her out of the office.


The happy couple arrived at the lab, eagerly awaiting the results. 

A brown haired woman came up to them, holding some tubes and injectors. They had glasses on, and looked a bit surprised.

"S? Are you okay?" Kiyotacchi asked, calling out to them.

"A-Ah, Kiyotacchi. I assume you came here to see your son?" The scientist asks.

"Yes, would you mind if we can see him now? It's been so long since I've seen my baby boy!" Aiya exclaimed, butting into the conversation.

"Sure. Come this way." S said, leading them to a white room. They stood in front of an observing glass, and S spoke into the mic.

"Kiyotaka can you please come into the room 2-D?" S asked.  The brown haired boy in question walked into the room from the side door, but instead of having bright golden eyes, they were a dull and empty brown.

"W-What happened to him?" Aiya said, frightened by the sudden change in her son's behavior.

S just kept the same face, and spoke into the mic again.

"Use your full strength, and don't hold back."

The room turned dark, and a powerful aura emitted from him, one that overpowered even the most powerful humans.

"I knew you were going to give him a quirk, but I didn't know you'd give him this many!" Kiyotacchi said, amazed at the display of power.

Aiya had a bad feeling about this. The way S ignored her question was very concerning, and Kiyotaka was acting very different from normal.

A mother knew her child, and her child was not this dull, emotionless person. 

After Kiyotaka was done, S opened the door, and he walked out of the room.

"My boy! Oh, I've missed you so much!" Kiyotacchi said, embracing his son.

Little did he know, this would be the last time he would see his son for a long time.

Kiyotaka suddenly teleported out of his father's arms, leaving the three of them shocked.

"W-What happened? Where did he go?" Kiyotacchi asked, looking for his son. Aiya looked around too, but her eyes landed on one person:


"You know what happened, don't you?" Aiya accused, pointing at S.

S, giggled, and started to melt, revealing someone very familiar.

"I can't believe it, how could it be?" Aiya continued. Kiyotacchi looked back, and his mouth gaped open.

"It's you, Seno...?" Kiyotacchi asked.

"Yes, It was me all along. I was surprised you hadn't found me out earlier, maybe your powers aren't what they used to be?" Seno said, laughing in their faces. She had fooled the both of them so easily, resulting in the disappearance of their son.

"You will pay for this, you bastard!" Aiya said, lunging at the woman. Seno simply backstepped to dodge out of her way, and Kiyotacchi stopped Aiya from falling on the floor.

"It's been fun, but sadly, I have to go. Good luck finding your son~" Seno said disappearing from the scene.

"..." Nothing but silence filled the room as the two parents stood there, disappointed in theirselves. They had failed their son, and now he was gone.

Aiya freed herself from her husbands arms, and began to cry.

"It's my fault...."

"No, honey. It was mine, I should've read through her disguise-" Kiyotacchi tried to reach out to her, but Aiya completely shut him down.

"Send out a missing person report to the Hero's Society." Aiya commanded, her tone cold and unforgiving. Kiyotacchi immediately pulled out his phone, and started to file the report.

"I will find you, Kiyotaka. Just wait, please."



also why do you guys have such dirty minds

i legit said "somethings coming" and you guys immediately start thinking about something else.

anyways, chapter 1 will come sometime in the future.

give me feedback or just tell me what you liked about this chapter.

- virgin senpai

Haruka x Airi lemon coming soon ;)

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