His Butler & Maid, Comforting

Start from the beginning

Sebastian dressed in his usual butler uniform, only it appeared more to be that of a nobleman as he had made a few tweaks, Ciel was dressed and ready to go, and they were waiting just outside Sebastian and Aurora's room for the angel to come out. Aurora stepped out of the bedroom and moved into Sebastian's arms. "Darling," she said, "Would it be alright if I met you boys at the train station?" Sebastian looked a little confused, "Why would you need to meet us there, Aurora? Where are you off to?" Aurora smiled and put a finger to her lips. "I might have to sneak out to pick something up for Ciel." Ciel and Sebastian shared a confused look. Sebastian sighed, "Be very quick, my angel." Aurora grinned and kissed him. "I promise I'll be back soon." She left the Shangri-La and Ciel made a small 'humph' sound. Sebastian glanced over, "Something the matter, my lord?" Ciel shrugged, "I'm just surprised you let her go so easily. I thought there was still the threat of that other angel. And the fact she is probably on a most wanted list like the two of us." Sebastian tensed a bit. "I trust my wife's judgement." He said, "I am sure she will be perfectly fine." Ciel hummed, "Perhaps." Sebastian glared at him as he walked into the meeting room with Lau. The demon growled quietly, eyes flashing crimson red. 

"Sometimes I hate this contract..."

Aurora in the meantime was flying over London, keeping high above the clouds until she reached her destination. Her wings were flapping gracefully as she flew, the cool moisture of the air hitting her face, leaving tiny water droplets, and her hair a wild mane as the wind blew it behind her. Her white wings were beating against the clouds, and the sun that peaked through the rain clouded sky seemed to make her wings have that white gold gleam they'd had before her Fall. She began her descent before Sieglinde Sullivan's home and sheathed her wings before going to the back door and knocking a short pattern. Herr Wolfram opened the door and ushered her in. Sieglinde came over with a wide smile, "Hello, Aurora! How are things?" Aurora smiled, "They could be better, my lady." Sieglinde nodded, "Understandable." She lead the way into her study (which was an absolute mess) and began rifling through drawers. "Ciel- rather, our Ciel can trust me. I won't betray him. After all he's done for me." Aurora raised an eyebrow. "Our Ciel?" Sieglinde turned and nodded, "Uh huh! I've taken to calling the two brothers; Real Ciel and Our Ciel. So as not to get them confused." She suddenly found what she was looking for and brought two small palettes over to the blonde. "Here you are! I did my best, but this new technology is only a few years old. I hope it works well." Aurora smiled, pocketing the palettes. "I'm sure these will work well, Lady Sieglinde. Thank you." Sieglinde smiled, "It's really no problem Aurora! Please, tell our Ciel that I hope to see him again soon! And if he ever has need of me, I'll be there!" Aurora bent down to the girl's level and pushed a stray lock of hair over her ear. "You truly are a good person, Lady Sullivan. I do hope all goes well and we see each other again soon." Sieglinde smiled up at her brightly. "I hope so too, Aurora." Aurora started out and Herr Wolfram helped her with her coat, "Auf wiedersehen, Missus Michaelis." Aurora smiled, "Auf wiedersehen, Herr Wolfram."

Sebastian was loading the boat they were going to take to the train station and preparing to help Ciel into the boat. He was growing a little nervous, as Aurora had yet to return. Ciel looked over at his butler, "She'll be fine. She's going to meet us at the train, is she not?" Sebastian shifted uncomfortably, "Yes... But I have the strangest feeling something isn't right." Ciel scoffed, "The only thing that isn't right is that Lau's going to dress us up as girls in order to get across the water." Sebastian hummed, "Angelica would find that very amusing..." Ciel sighed, "You can last a few hours away from each other, can you not?" Sebastian frowned, "I find it most interesting, my lord, that I have not been away from my mate for more than a few hours since the murder fiasco." Ciel sighed, "It's ridiculous you cannot even last a few hours without seeing her." Ciel chuckled, "I remember when she first came to the manor after being revealed as an angel. You were like a child."


They were returning via carriage to the manor. Ciel was still in shock about Aurora Magne being an angel. Sebastian on the other hand, was ecstatic. Ciel recalled the story Sebastian told him a few months ago before Aurora had come into the picture. "Sebastian." The demon butler looked up at his master. "Yes, my lord?" Ciel glanced at Aurora. "It's her. Isn't it? Aurora's the angel you fell in love with. Isn't she?" Sebastian smirked and nodded, eyes turning back to the angel. "Yes. She is." He ran his fingers through her hair as she slept soundly in his arms. "I never thought I would see her again. I cannot understand why she has no memories of me." He frowned. "That is what is most worrying to me." Ciel shrugged, "Don't all angels look similar? Are you sure this isn't a different angel?" Sebastian shook his head, "I would recognize her anywhere. Besides, she is half arch and half Fallen. Her wings are unlike any other angels'." He ran a hand down her spine, over her wing sheath, and her breath hitched in her sleep. "I am worried I will never truly find out what happened to her in our time apart. And the fact she appears to not remember me at all..." He fell silent. Ciel noticed a hint of remorse in the demon's burgundy eyes. "And it has been so long since I last saw her..." His fingers threaded through her hair, and twirled around the blonde locks. "That ivory skin, perfectly manicured nails, silver blue eyes that shine like the brightest stars, beautiful light blonde hair... And her wings.... Her beautiful, beautiful wings...." Ciel made a face and scoffed. "I'm going to be sick." Sebastian smirked, "My apologies, young master. I am just in shock that she is alive. The last I was told, she had been killed." Ciel frowned, "Well what are you going to do? She doesn't remember you. Does she?" Sebastian's face fell and he shook his head. "I am afraid she does not." He looked down at the angel in his arms. Ciel spoke again, "Did you know it was her the entire time?" Sebastian shook his head. "There are plenty of blonde haired blue eyed humans. And the specific shade could have been a funny coincidence. If she was not immortal, I wouldn't pursue her." Ciel looked confused, "What does that matter?" Sebastian sighed, "As a demon, I am cursed to roam the endless void that is life for all eternity. A human lifetime is a blink of an eye to me. Usually a thousand years would not be so long to me. But when I was with her, the years went by in a strange blend. Not to slow, not too fast. But the point of it is that immortality is a curse. My life is a lonely one, as is most demons. But there are lucky ones that have mates." Ciel looked interested now. "Explain." Sebastian went on, "It is like a marriage for all eternity. It is very rare that they do last, but most have forced themselves to remain together for the glory of being bound together." Sebastian sighed, leaning back and putting a hand to his temple and massaging the space with a look of what looked to be disappointment. "However, I can say from experience that it is not a pleasant experience. The first hundred years are fine, but after that there tends to be nothing left to spark the relationship." Ciel raised an eyebrow, "You're married?" Sebastian hummed, "Regretfully so." He glanced out the carriage window. "It was not a willing binding. But it was necessary." He looked back at Aurora. "I only wish-"

Flashback over.


Auf Wiedersehen - goodbye

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