2: "Would You Do It For Me?"

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Yes, I haven't written anything down in here for sometime, I lost motivation, I felt my story was dull and uninteresting but recently my whole life has changed. It's now been 7 whole years since I left high school and its been 3 years since I last saw Toni.

Ohh Toni, why did I push her way? Nana was right she only wanted to talk to me. Now it's too late.

Through the powers of technology I stalked my serpent ex on Instagram and discovered she was pregnant, which means she's moved on, she probably has handsome serpent husband and they probably have a little dog. Toni always wanted a dog.

As for my Nana, yes she's still alive and kicking, she's 98 years old. God, I love her so much, she can be a bit controlling sometimes and a little senile but overall she's harmless. She called into the Thornhill entrance one morning because Hiram Lodge and his clown Reggie Mantle had come to visit me to try to convince me to sell my Maple Groves once again and no matter how many times I told him no, he always came back to ask again. This time however, when I was half way through my bad ass speech to Hiram and Reggie the one and only Toni Topaz walked through my front door and politely waited for me to finish dismissing Hiram's proposal.

"Business with Hiram Lodge?" Toni questioned

"No, he comes by every other week offering to buy my maple groves, but I'm really glad to see you Toni" I responded genuinely

"I wonder if you would do me the honour of letting me paint you" I added.

Toni agreed and she followed me into the living room. She looked beautiful, she had long braids in her hair, still with a flicker pink in her brunette locks. Pregnancy definitely agreed with Toni, she was figuratively glowing. I tried my hardest not to stare but luckily as I was painting her it gave me a pretty good excuse to stare in those big brown eyes. We didn't say much, I didn't really have anything to say, she was having a baby with someone. I missed my shot, but I need to paint her I needed to practice making a perfect copy. Nana and I had a mega plan to hopefully make hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Cheryl, no one's seen you in town in years" Toni eventually spoke

"Don't worry about me, Nana and I are just fine, there's no reason for us to leave Thornhill" I responded

"Okay, but after all this time don't you wanna hear about me?"

"Let's see, you graduated with a 3.9 GPA, you majored in social work with a minor in photography and you did extensive charity and social work, am I missing anything important?"

I avoided the obvious I know, but truth be told I didn't want to hear about Toni's happy relationship or her baby. I just wanted to paint her silently so I could pretend no time had passed and we were 18 again and she was still mine.

"Well other than the fact I'm having a baby"

Fuck, why did she have to bring it up?

"I had heard that yes... con-congratulations Toni, I won't be goushe and ask who the father is" I said, mainly because I didn't want to know how perfect he probably was. Ugh.

"Oh and I'm completely out and open with my family" Toni said

Fuck, that made me smile, Toni had had such trouble with her uncle and her Nana accepting her sexuality so the news that she was no longer hiding or fighting was a genuinely lovely to hear.

"We've talked about you" Toni continued.

"And they recognise and acknowledge everything you've done to make up for your ancestors sins... and Cheryl, I think they'd approve of us being together"

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