1 [Therapy]

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Jake scrolled trough the app store trying to find some silly game for pass the time. He download some and in the 'for you' section there is something that catch his eyes. 'Anonymous therapy', that's the name of the app. He open it and read the description.

"In this app, someone will be your Anonymous therapist and you will be his. You can talk about everything that comes in your mind, without worrying to much."

It seemed the right app for him. He clicked rapidly the 'download' button and waited a little bit. He immediately registered in the app and started putting some answers to the questions the app asked to him. After that a massage plopped out.

"You are matched with anonymous 399. You can start talk now or later. If you don't find yourself comfortable with your therapist, you can click the 're-match' button."

The brown opened the empty chat. What could he write? It was so awkward for him. Luckily for him, the boy anticipated him.


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There was a little bit of mischief in that sentence, but the brunette didn't even notice. Jake wasn't so innocent, he knew all that stuff, but he just don't find mischievous nether sentence.



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Jake could be innocent and maybe, sometimes, naive, but he wasn't stupid. He could always match what people were saying with what they were thinking and feeling.



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Hoonie seemed fun and friendly. Chatting with him made him feel with someone, even if nobody was really there, but, now that they weren't, he felt lonely, again. His parents were probably at work and in the house there were just the maid and Layla. He got down from his bed and started to prepare himself. He felt almost dead while seeing himself in the mirror. He did a shower, put on a grey hoodie and some black pants, took his phone and opened the door.


Silence was the only thing in the house. He went down the stairs and, when she saw him, Layla run to him. He patted her head and prepared the things for making a walk with her.

"Sir Jake, where are you going?" A maid asked him. "I am making a walk with Layla." He said with a fake smile. The maid smiled too and nodded. He opened the door of the huge mansion and walked in the courthouse until the gate. He was finally out. He did some deep breaths and started to walk. Nature was something Jake really liked. For most of his childhood he was in his house and his parents were never them for him. He removed her collar. Layla started running happily in the park. He smilied and looked at the sky, it was so blue and immersive. 


I don't know if this is good, it's not my first time writing a fiction, but it's my first publishing it. If this will not be good I will just delete it. But if you're reading and you like it, you can leave a comment and vote. I will leave now. Bye!

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Anonymous therapy |JakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now