Chapter 5 - A Taste of the Good Life

Start from the beginning

He then grabs the other boy by the arms and shoots into the kitchen. "Well that was interesting" Yang stated, watching the duo go.

Yuffie then looked over at Ruby and pointed back at the building with her thumb. "You're dating a real goof, you know that?"

"Yeah. But he's my goof!" Ruby beamed with a sweet smile.

"Speaking of which, tell us how our resident blue dork managed to swoop you off your feet."

"It's more like she swoop him off his feet" Aptus commented, getting the attention of the TT residents.

"Huh?" Pence blinked at that. "What do you mean?"

"The dork speaks about her with so much pride. How she is always there for him, how much support she gives him." Aptus answered.

Ruby looked up at the fox faunus in shock, eyes widened. "He...said that?"

"Yeah and so much more. He truly cares for you" Aptus replied, giving the crimsonette a smile.

Ruby looked down and blushed as brightly as her cloak while poking her fingers together.

"Ahem!" Hayner coughed loudly in his hand. "This is all very...mushy and everything, guys. But what's Beacon like?"

"Beacon is amazing!" Nora yelled"We get to beat up Grimm daily!" Yang added, punching her fist together.

"We also have class everyday." Weiss proudly added.

Pence blinked in confusion at the heiress. "Sure, but that usually happen at schools...?"

"Well yes but daily classes are important" Weiss replied, getting a nod from Olette.

"I hear ya." The brunette agreed, rubbing her cheeks. "But man, independence studies sure are the worst."

"They really are..." Ruby muttered with a sigh.

"Speaking of school, Ky and I heard you guys joined the Academy." Aptus said, leaning his arms on the table

"Yeah, we all decided to join after the two of you left." Olette replied, copying his actions.

"You guys are trying to become Hunstmen and Huntress too?" Blake questioned, interested in their answer.

"For the most part yeah. We wanted to catch up with Ky and Aptus." Hayner replied, balling his fist.

Aptus tilted his head at this. "Huh? Us...?"

"Yeah." Pence answered. "Every since we've know you guys, you always went out of your way to others in town and never asked for anything in return. Then when we heard that you both went to Beacon, it inspired us to attend the academy too."

"He's right! We don't want to be sitting on the sidelines while you guys were out saving lives, kicking ass and taking names!" Hayner told him as he gained a look of triumph. "Soon, we'll be out there too, fighting alongside you two!"

"Well that sounds good to me." Aptus agreed "Nice to hear that you wanna make you mark."

"He's thinking ahead," Olette giggled at her friend's antics.

"At least he's thinking." Yuffie smirked teasingly.

"Hey!" Hayner protested.

"She's not wrong," Olette agreed, causing the others laughed, much to the boy's slight anger.

"Aww, come on Hayner, don't get mad. We were just playing" Yuffie said, pulling at his cheeks.

"So, you said Remy had a late mentor, right? Who was it?" Blake asked curiously.

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