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Each week, you and Hoseok had inevitably got a little closer. You were, no doubt, his favourite student, but he always tried to keep that fact on the downlow because each dancer deserved the spotlight at least once. He was very fair when it came to positioning for the group videos that were usually filmed at the end of a class. Even though he would never make his favouritism vocal, he would always catch your eyes locked in his somehow, and it kept you going. It was like his stare held powers.

You were an advanced growing dancer, like everybody else in that class, but you wanted to climb higher. So, on top of the College work you would receive on weekdays, you had started practicing more at home and pushing yourself to your limit. Maybe even past your limit.

"How many times do I have to tell you to bend your arm?! Do it again and do it properly!" Hoseok raised his voice at someone.

Your eyes grew wide at how strict he was being today and you repeated the move he was talking about, checking in the mirror to see if you were doing it correctly.

After a few more run-throughs, it was finally time to start filming, but because of the lack of rest you had given yourself for the past couple of weeks, you were feeling exhausted. As you dragged yourself over to Mai who was drinking from her water bottle, she couldn't help but notice your fatigue state.

"Y/N, are you okay? You look really tired," she pointed out.

You just nodded and waved your hand for her not to worry as you placed your hands on your knees, bending down slightly and trying to catch your breath.

"I'm okay," you huffed, only taking one small sip from your water bottle and tossing it onto your bag.

Hoseok came into the middle of the studio and scanned the room for who was going to dance in the first group. When his eyes layered upon you, he frowned slightly at your state, "Y/N, is everything okay?"

Everyone's eyes darted across the room to you, and you immediately straightened your back, fooling everyone else into thinking you were doing just fine.

You nodded, catching his eyes scanning you in worry and let out an airy laugh, "I'm just fine, no worries."

He just nods, not wanting to push you into explaining anything. He chose three dancers for the first group and you watched them all closely, locking the hard routine into your head so you wouldn't forget it.

Soon enough, they had finished, and Hoseok looked very pleased with it, telling them that they did really well. Your nerves started to grow strong as you wanted to go up next, but you were nervous with how you would do. He scanned the room again, choosing a further two people and looking for a third. His eyes finally landed upon you as he smiled brightly.

"Why don't you fill in the last spot, Y/N?"

You raised your brows slightly as you hesitantly nodded, a nervous smile playing on your lips. Mai nudged you and gave you a look of approval, before you stood up and made your way to your spot.

But, as your nerves grew stronger and stronger, you couldn't help but feel dizzy, sick and tired all in one. Your head started to pound and your body felt extremely weak. You closed your eyes and held your head, in hopes that the headache would go, but you felt worse.

The rest of the dancers started to grow worried as they all watched you. You had lost focus within your vision and everything was becoming such a blur. Then, before you knew it, your body collapsed and you completely passed out, hitting your head hard on the floor.

Everyone was left shocked and most of them had gathered around you to see if you were alright. However, Hoseok was wondering what all the commotion was, since he was doing the music. But, when he saw your body laying on the ground, something about the sight made his heart hurt.

"What's happened?" he panicked, making his way over to everyone crowding around you.

"She just collapsed," Mai bit her lip anxiously. "She was exhausted beforehand. But, I didn't know it was this bad."

He nods and kneels down, "alright, everyone give her space!"

People started to back away from you, seeing as you were still unconscious. Mai had rushed to get your water bottle, just in case you woke up dehydrated. But, your eyes were still closed and you lay completely still. Hoseok started to become scared when it turned into ten minutes and you still weren't opening your eyes.

"We're going to have to call the ambulance," he sighs, so tempted to hold your cold and frail hand.

Mai grabbed her phone and immediately called the hospital, worried about you not waking up at all. But, she knew you were just unconscious. It was just a heart-breaking sight. As she was explaining the short situation on the phone, it's like she wanted to burst into tears and when she hung up, she did.

Your dance teacher sighed and rubbed her back in comfort as she held your hand.

"She'll be okay."



You woke up with your head throbbing and your throat feeling extremely dry. You turned your head to look around and noticed you weren't in your bedroom, but in a hospital room. You frowned as you had no clue what was going on.

A doctor soon opened the door to check on you and he was ecstatic to see that you were awake. He walked up to you and softly smiled.

"Miss Y/N, you've finally awoken," he says, leaving you to frown even more.

"What do you mean by 'finally'?" your voice broke slightly.

The doctor sighed and gave you a sympathetic look.

"You've been in a coma for roughly a week."

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