Letter 15

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How was your weekend Sasuke?

Mine was meh, I didn't get much sleep. I helped this elder bring her groceries to her house, she was the sweetest lady I've ever met yet scary at the same time, she threw a shoe at me! 

Also, Suigetsu wouldn't stop asking me when I was going to tell you who I am like I don't think he understands how scary this is, when I started this I never considered exposing myself much less you even reading these letters. I expected you to throw my love letters out the window yet here we are, I decided you deserve to know who your dumb admirer is...just not yet im not prepared.

Im scared and honestly I know that once you know who I am you will be disgusted, I know that yet it still hurts t think about but whatever to my feelings im just gonna do it. Like I said give me time, I love you, ya know.

*September 21*

Sasuke Pov

Sitting on my couch I patiently wait for Itachi to finish reading my letter, shaking my leg up and down while I impatiently bite my lip. Slowly Itachi fold the letter and hand it back to me, “So?” I ask “Well little brother, Im quite certain that this admirer of yours..is a boy” I nod my head locking my eyes onto the letter “They don't seem to think you will ever figure out their gender but this letter just makes it obvious, what do you think of this brother, have your feelings changed at all now knowing their gender?” I think for a moment before nodding my head “Yes my feelings have changed” my brother gives me a questioning look, not expecting my answer “I think I like them even more than I do now” placing my hand over my chest I feel my heart pounding “I can't ignore the excitement I felt while thinking my admirer was a boy instead of an annoying girl, does this mean im gay Itachi?”  Itachi chuckled before getting up and placing his hand on my shoulder “Only you can decide what your sexuality is, although just know, I support you no matter what

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