Letter 13

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Happy Thursday!

I read your note yesterday, the one you told Jugo to give me, it went something like 'Just tell me who you are I won't care don't just make assumptions about me'. Your right I am making assumptions about you and how you would react and im sorry, I just can't help but be scared and you wouldn't understand that. Have you ever been in a situation where you want something but you can't have it because it's so out of the ordinary for you to want it, that how my love is towards you. Im scared of what others will say and although I know I can handle it because I've been given the cold shoulder for years, I can't stand the idea of you knowing who I am and resenting me for it. Even when I hate it I know for a fact that your opinion of me matters the most and that scares me more, Suigetsu told me to face reality but he doesn't understand that I face reality every single day. Also, Jugo invited me to hang out after school to talk, he's a very kind guy I wish I could meet more people like him, I hope you don't feel left out if you do I promise we won't hang out anymore. Have a good day love you<3

*September 17*

Sasuke POV

Anger is an easy emotion for me to express, so when someone makes me feel an emotion I tend to get annoyed which soon turns into anger. As of now, I was angry, it started as jealousy and immediately turned into anger, glaring at Jugo for the millionth time today Suigetsu just watched with an amused smirk knowing why I was so mad. "Did his highness lose a princess"

Turning away from him I reply "Im not in the mood for you right now" "When are you ever in the mood?" not getting a reaction from me he continued "look Jugo just wants to help your admirer break out of their shell, he's helping you out" I ever consider it that way but it doesn't help the situation much. Sighing I look at Jugo softening my glare "whatever, im not even mad" Suigetsu chuckled "Yeah sure

Hello guys, sorry if their are a lot of spelling mistakes or if the story seems rushed. Ive been writing during school so sometimes I type gibberish.

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