Letter 2

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Happy Tuesday Sasuke :D

Today I had to leave your letter on your desk because I saw you waiting for me in front of your locker, you jerk! Isn't it a little too soon for you to want to meet me? If you want to reject me already then just tape a note on your locker ill take the hint...I can't stand letting you know who I am and rejecting me at the same time. Well anyway, you looked very nice today I love the color of your hair it goes with your skin tone very well, although I can't say the way you style it is very..well cool. It looks like a ducks butt and I can't help but look at it and laugh I wouldn't want it any other way though. What the hell are you doing to me Uchiha….I can't help but feel a burst of explosions inside me when I see you sometimes I wonder if I'm too obvious but then again, I guess you would have figured I liked you if I was. That all for today, have a good rest of your day from your secret admirer <3

*September 5 2018*

Sasuke POV

I frowned at the beginning of the letter, they were right I wanted to turn them down as nicely as I could. After going home and thinking, I didn't like the idea of dating just another fangirl. She may seem sweet but you can't know for sure, for all I know this girl can be sakura. I shivered at the thought, Continuing down on the letter, I've never smiled at being insulted before. No fangirl had ever insulted me before not even behind my back, sure this person is in love with me like every other annoying girl here is but they are very different from each other. Before I could even truly think my hands started writing their letter to leave onto my locker.

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