Chapter One

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 Azarei told the dwarves he met on the river that he grew up on the lam. He told them he was raised by thieves, con-men, vagrants. He tells them that he's an orphan and he's never known family or stability. He lowers his voice now, speaking softly, with purpose. He tells the dwarves he's turned his back on their unlawful ways and is instead travelling alone, seeking enlightenment. They're so moved they let him travel up the river with them on their boat. They even give him a loaf of bread and a bundle of fruit before they part ways.

Azarei tells the humans he encounters at the tavern that his mom was an orc and his dad was a human. He laughs as he talks about how their family holidays were a hoot and a holler. One man almost spits out his beer when Azarei tells a story about his mom's brother almost crushing his dad. They buy him a few drinks before the night ends.
Azarei tells the elves he meets fishing he was raised by nymphs. He claims they found him abandoned in the forest and took him in, raising them as their own.

"Do you know about the nymphs?" He asks them, looking between their faces. "They're supposed to be some of the most beautiful creatures on earth." Azarei flashes them a charming smile. "But I don't think I've ever seen anyone as beautiful as you ladies."

A line embedded in a lie. His specialty. Lying was his specialty. It was often so much easier than the truth. Azarei feels an emptiness surround the place his heart should be, as it often does when he lies like this. He wonders what his mother would think of him now.

Later Azarei finds himself alone with the two pretty elves, a while after that he finds himself in a strange bed while a symphony of soft touches lilt across his skin. Then the song ends, as it always does, and the elves leave. Azarei sits on the edge of the bed for a moment searching inside himself for some sort of feeling.

He just had sex with two gorgeous women. Shouldn't he be happy? Content? Should he feel disgusted he's just given his body to a couple of strangers? Azarei doesn't feel any of those things. He feels nothing at all except, maybe, a little fear that he's feeling nothing at all.

Azarei rubs his hand over his face and slowly pulls his clothes on. It takes him great effort. His limbs feel heavy like they've suddenly turned to stone. Azarei stumbles out of the strange house and takes off towards the forest in the direction he thinks he wants to be going. He doesn't have a plan for a place to stay tonight but it's a nice night, he doesn't mind sleeping under the stars.

When he's walked a good way from civilization he drops his pack on the ground and then kneels on his knees next to it. He folds his hands neatly in his lap and looks through the canopy of the trees, searching the stars for Thalmis's constellation. He can't find her, the trees are too thick.

"Can you guide me?" Azarei asks the stars.

He'll take any guidance, not just Thalmis's. He waits for a few minutes, gazing up at the stars, twinkling through the leaves. Azarei takes a deep shuddering breath and looks away from the sky. He swallows a lump in his throat and blinks quickly to stop the water in his eyes from escaping. He levels his gaze to the towering mountain in the distance.

"I'd like to go home," Azarei tells the forest," he tells anyone who may be listening. "I'd like to go home..."
The stars twinkle and shine but they do not reply nor do they grant his wish. The mountain stands still and silent. Azarei straightens and sniffs a few times, composing himself. He situates his pack, making a pillow for himself and lays down, turning his back on the mountain. He's disappointed but not surprised. He knew he could never go home again.

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