Chapter 12

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Aaliyah Otiento- Miller's POV

*8 years earlier.*

The sound of a glass breaking wakes me up from a decent sleep.

Elian and his clumsy ass are about to piss me off!

I look at the clock to see that it's nearly 4 am!

That's unusual.

Elian is by no means lazy.

But waking up at 4am?!

He'd mop the ocean and count a bag of rice first!

I get out of his bed and I sleepily walk down towards the living room where he decided to sleep.

He's not there.

I hear a voice coming from the kitchen.

It's not Elian.

What, the fuck?

I walk closer and I hear Elian speak.

"I- I'm deaf. I can't hear what you're saying" he stutters.

He sounds hoarse.

Scared even.

I peep through the door slightly I see that there is a woman in the kitchen with her back to me and a gun in her hand.

And she's pointing it right at him!

"So you're just as stupid as you are broke!" She cackles.

She talks slowly and condescendingly to him as if he's incompetent.

I can tell that he understands, because he looks hurt.

And afraid.

My blood boils.

I look to my side and I grab a letter opener.

This is risky, but I care more about my best friend, than I do about myself.

I walk into the kitchen making sure my footsteps are light.

Elian notices me but hardly moves, so that he doesn't make it obvious.

'Keep talking' I sign.

His eyes show me that he understands.

"I- I don't have anything that could be useful to you. If you leave now I won't call the police. And you won't get hurt." He says.

He trusts me.

'Dive!' I sign!

He does it immediately and before she can move, I grab her by her throat, pulling her into me, holding the letter opener to the base of her throat, kneeing her in the back so that shock makes her drop the gun.

Elian snatches he gun and tucks it into the waistband of his pants.

The woman screams as if she is the victim and I grip her throat tighter so that she can't make another noise.

"Shhh. You'll wake the neighbours" I say chillingly into her ear.

She struggles, clawing at my arm, her body going limp.

"That's right sweetheart. Go to sleep" I say.

She goes completely limp and Elian gives me the signal that she's passed out.

Elian Deogene's POV.

As soon as the woman is knocked out on the ground, Aaliyah instructs me to grab some dishcloths.

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